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Hyper Docs as Art Learning Tools

I looked around the web for different Hyper Doc resources for art teachers and found a section on Hyper Docs on the site Art Room Artifacts. Jenn, the creator of the site, wrote about how Hyper Docs are helping her students learn and interact in an engaging way that encourages them to voice their opinions on the subjects they’re reading about. Though the curriculum on the site is mainly focused on younger students, I think older students could also enjoy the educational format.

I would definitely use Hyper Docs to give primer lessons as homework so students can come in prepared with knowledge about the artistic techniques they’re studying. Providing interesting, easy to use digital worksheets can help students remain engaged and retain information easier. I think a Hyper Doc about the history of painting techniques could be informative and interesting within the context of the digital tool. I look forward to using Hyper Docs with students in the future. I’ll include a link to the site below so you can check out the docs for yourself!


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