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The Death of Edgar Allen Poe: But from a HyperDoc?

Illustration provided by Num Paint

Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most prolific American writes of the 19th century. In this hyperdoc, by Heather Marshal, students can learn and quizzed on the mysterious death this great author. This doc gives links to materials on Poe’s death in preparation for the students to write an essay on the topic.

This is a group essay that must compare and contrast the conflicting sources on what happened to the horror writer. There are also mini assessments for the students to turn in as they develop their essay such as turning an a hypothesis which will be the basis for the essay.

All in all it is an entertaining way to present students with an essay assignment that does not require the author’s writing which had been discussed in class. Instead it engages the students to research and use their reasoning skills in order to determine what they believe to be the truth.

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