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A Virtual Tour of Ellis Island


Have you ever wondered why there are so many different cultures in the United States? How did they get here? And, what did they encounter searching for that Great American Dream?

For over a century America has become what is known as a “melting pot.” The”melting pot” is a metaphor used to describe how immigrants who come to America eventually become assimilated into American culture, thus creating multiple cultures that have blended into one. 


There are many reasons why people from all over the world came to America. Those reasons included religious and political oppression, war, work, school, and ultimately a search for a better life or what many called the American Dream.

In the late 1900s, immigrants began their journey to the New World via steamboats. Those steamboats would take them into New York Harbor where depending on their social class they would be able to begin their new lives in America or be ferried to Ellis Island. Immigrants who were taken to Ellis Island would have to undergo a very long process, sometimes lasting hours to see if they were healthy enough to pass inspection. If not, there was a chance they could be sent back to their country of origin. In fact, 2% of immigrants did not pass and were deported almost immediately on the same ships that they had come in on.


Thanks to modern technology we can learn so much more about the immigrants who first came to America including their journey to America and their experiences at Ellis Island through the virtual interactive tour. The virtual tour is almost as incredible as being there in person. The tour includes a summary of each process an immigrant had to go through at Ellis Island and included photos, videos, and commentary from actual immigrants from the 1920s. Listening to their stories, you are able to get a sense of what it was like on Ellis Island before it became a museum and landmark. You will also be able to find out why immigrants no longer pass through Ellis Island. To find out more check out the Virtual Field Trip.


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Bayta Owens #GEN2108

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