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Hyperdocs are a great addition to any classroom because it offers a world of opportunities for the teachers and the students. Hyperdocs are an interactive document that the teacher can share with the student instead of handing out plain worksheets. They allow for students to explore technology while also learning the content. I explored a Hyperdoc to learn more and find out how it can improve my future classroom!

I explored a Hyperdoc pertaining to a Kindergarten history lesson (since this is the grade I aspire to teach). It was very simple, but would be very fun for the kids because it is interactive.

Image of the hyperlink I used.

There were three links attached to this document. The first link was a video for the students to watch about United States symbols. Next was a slideshow briefly explaining the symbols discussed in the unit. The last link was a link to ABCya paint where students were asked to paint their own flags.

Hyperdocs can be used for any age level, another reason they are so great! They allow for students to explore by themselves, with peers, or with the help of their teachers to learn a variety of things. Hyperdocs can be used from any subject to even community builders. I encourage all of you to use hyperdocs in your future classrooms!

Thank you for reading!

Jillian DeMore


Hyperdocs in the Classroom

Hyperdocs can be a fun and useful technology tool to use in the classroom. They can be very helpful when engaging students. While researching, I found lots of useful hyperdocs that could be used in the classroom. The hyperdoc that stood out for me was a science hyperdoc. This could be a very helpful tool to use in a middle school science classroom. A table of contents is given as soon as you open the website. You can click on any of the science links provided. When you click on a link, it takes you to a page that provides the user with a number of activities to complete. Some links provided quizzes for the user to take. Overall, I found this hyperdoc very useful. Its definitley a fun and easy way to engage students in science learning. Heres the link to the hyperdoc, if you would like to explore it.

As you can see, hyperdocs can be used in many different ways of learning. They are a great tool to use in the classroom and it’s easy to create your own. Below I added a quick video on how to begin making your own hyperdoc.

I hope you enjoyed this weeks post on hyperdocs!!

Akihabara, Tokyo

Akihabara is a famous district in central Tokyo that is mainly known for its many electronics shops. In more recent years, Akihabara has gained recognition as the center of Japan’s otaku culture, and many shops and establishments devoted to anime and manga are now dispersed among the electronic stores in the district. Here meetings of di-hard fans and nerds are excepted for who they truly are.

Tokyo's Akihabara district: from electronics to maid cafes – Lonely Planet

Akihabara has quickly made itself one of the most popular cities in the world with a recent trend of anime in culture. Venues specializing in manga, anime, and video games include the Tokyo Anime Center for exhibits and souvenirs and Radio Kaikan. There are ten 10 floors of toys, trading cards, and collectibles. Staff dressed as maids or butlers serve tea and desserts at nearby maid cafes.

Akihabara Area Guide | Tokyo Cheapo

in conclusion with recent trends of video gamers reaching fame and anime and cardgames becoming the “cool culture” Akihabara will continue to expand to meet the needs of gamers, anime fans, and collectors as a major destination to be visited and joined as the new social destination to be.

I have attached below a 360view of the city in a live stream I hope you enjoyed feel free to leave your feedback.


Hyperdocs and their Positive Affect in the Classroom

This picture shares all the benefits of incorporating hyperdocs in the classroom!

A hyperdoc is a useful and interactive web tool that is beneficial in any classroom. It is defined as a document or slide presentation that is filled with different links for students to engage with. The most effective part about hyperdocs is that it creates an environment where the students’ learning is put into their own hands. This will help students to know the ins and outs of the subject at hand. This is also a great tool in regards to accommodations for students with differentiating thought processes.

Due to my interest and major being the Spanish language, I researched some Spanish classroom hyperdocs. There are many great resources for educators to use that other teachers have already made and have been successful with in their own classrooms. Here is a link to a great Spanish I hyperdoc that I have found upon research that explores cultural differences in greetings and greeting vocabulary.

This is what a portion of the hyperdoc looks like. It includes a video and other links to assist the students in their assignment.

Diane Hoffman

Hyperdocs for History Classrooms

A HyperDoc is an interactive tool, typically a document or slideshow, that consists of multiple links, videos, and assignments for students to complete. The assignments will be based on the links the students follow or the videos they watch. The assignments can even be links to a separate document for students to type their answers in, or another collaborative tool, such as Padlet. Hyperdocs are engaging, interactive, and inspiring for student education, by allowing them to take control of the lesson rather than sit by and listen.

A great example of a HyperDoc for a history classroom can be seen in this Enlightenment Google Doc. This was found on the HyperDoc website. The document starts out by giving a brief overview of the topic.

Then, students are provided with this sentence, “Je pense donc je suis,” and are asked to translate, find the author, and write a short paragraph about what they believe it means in the provided Google Form. This allows students to practice some research as well as answer questions in a collaborative space. The HyperDoc then gives students a link to a video on The Enlightenment and asks them to take notes.

Students are then asked to fill in a 3-2-1 chart based on what they have learned so far through these assignments. The first section asks for three things the student has discovered, then two interesting facts or details, finally the students ask one question. This allows students to create an outline and think about what they have gone over, what they enjoyed, and think about what they’re still not fully understanding.

Next, students are instructed to go around the room and fill in the chart for each respective philosopher. While this would include some classroom setup, this section could be edited to fit your classroom style and needs. Teachers could even set up their own Google Doc with those philosophers and provide the link in the given space within the HyperDoc.

Students are then asked to show what they know using ClassTools to create a “breaking news” headline for whatever contribution by philosophers of the time was important to the Enlightenment. This allows students to look further into the topic and pick out what they think are the most important aspects. It also allows for some creativity! Students then share their headlines in a collaborative Google Slide presentation.

Finally, students are asked to reflect on what they have learned about The Enlightenment through the HyperDoc by answering a question, “do we need government.” This allows students to look back on the notes they took and answers they provided, as well as think deeper about the topic, time period, and philosophies.

Additionally, students are provided with a link to a TED Talk titled, “The Long Reach of Reason”. This TED Talk discusses how reason has impacted people’s lives as well as how it will continue to do so. This allows students to see the impacts of reason in real-time, similar to the impacts of reason during the Enlightenment. This will provide students a better understanding of the subject and keep them interested in the topic.

Making a HyperDoc is easy and a great way to get students involved in interactive and engaging lessons. HyperDocs create a memorable assignment for students that allows for creativity, collaboration, and inspiration. For more information on how to create your own HyperDoc watch the video below.

Thanks for reading!

Samantha Pollina

The Benefits of Using Hyperdocs in Classrooms

By: Dara Sborea

November is Native American Heritage Month, and our blog post topic this week is hyperdocs, so I decided to join the two together for this assignment. There are a lot of resources available to find hyperdocs that cover Native American heritage, as well as Native American history. I chose a fairly simple hyperdoc to blog about. The reason I chose this particular hyperdoc is because even though it is simple (designed for 3rd grade students), there is still a wealth of information and the hyperdoc still requires students to be creative, think outside the box, and use their tech skills and knowledge to complete the assignment.

One of the links on this hyperdoc brings students to a link where they can learn about the culture of different Native American tribes, as well as about the languages of different tribes! This link shows so many more Native American tribes than I ever knew existed.

Dogrib Native American

Through this one hyperdoc, I was able to access maps to see where different tribes are located. I clicked on a link in the hyperdoc, clicked on another link once I opened the original link, then was able to open a map for the Koyukon tribe. It was so easy and so informative.

Alaskan Native American tribe map

Check out this picture dictionary of Ahtna tribe animal words.

Some more Ahtna words for animals

I wish I had the space to write about all the available links on one simple hyperdoc that was designed for 3rd graders, but I think you get the idea. I hope you click on the links I provided so you see just how valuable hyperdocs can be.


This week, I found a hyperdoc on padlet that really sparked my interest. It’s called “Where’d You Get Those Genes?” It talks about people’s genes and traits and how common they are for everyone.

The hyperdoc talks about things as simple as how people can curl their tongue, or how many people have blue eyes. It also talks about inherited traits and learned behaviors. Curling your tongue and have blue eyes for example, would be identified as inherited traits.

Why can't some people curl their tongues?
Countries With The Most Blue-Eyed People - WorldAtlas

The hyperdoc also discusses plant characteristics. A plant’s inherited traits could contain what color it is. A plant’s learned behavior could be how fast it blooms or how tall it is judging by how much sunlight it gets or how much it is watered.

This hyperdoc was so fun to view and was definitely an educational one! I look forward to using hyperdocs in my future classroom! You can view the hyperdoc here!

Thanks for viewing! 🙂

Spelling Activities Hyperdoc

I chose to pick a hyperdoc about spelling activities for elementary school students.

This s great for students to use while doing classwork and homework. This is a fun way to get the students motivated to do school work. Students love to be able to go onto the computers during school and this can be a fun way of learning for the students. This can help them master spelling words and trying to memorize the definitions. When I become a teacher, I will use this to help my students with spelling and to keep them interested. This will also allow them to look back if they need for homework and this can help them study for any quizzes.

Ocean science Hyperdoc

by Shelby Garrison, Garris37

I choose to look at a hyperdoc all about Ocean and what climate change can do. I enjoy learning things about the ocean, even though I want to teach English in the future.

Climate change

I really like the hyperdocs because it keeps students interacting! It enhances a normal powerpoint and I believe will keep students engaged in the lesson because there is so much information and tools you can add into the powerpoint for students to click on and research.

Some of the things you can add to a hyperdoc

  • videos about the topic
  • articles
  • pictures
  • links to other websites on the topic
  • Games about the topic
how to add links into a hyperdoc

Some of the things I learned from the Ocean and climate change hyperdoc:

  • What causes waves (and tsunamis)
  • Ocean currents
  • Ocean simulation

The teacher who made this hyperdoc included articles, youtube videos, and models of what was being discussed. She included padlet which was familiar as my class has another assignment using this site this week.


Ragnarok Netflix premire

Ragnarok is a Norwegian fantasy drama that takes place in modern-day Norway in a small town known as Edda. Edda is a fictional town that is located in western Norway.  Ragnarok is a show produced by Netflix that does not include English dubbing. It is a “subtitle only show” about a boy that inherits the powers of Thor, the Norse God of lightning. Ragnarok is well worth the watch if you are interested in an accurate description of north mythology.

One of the main things that caught my eye as a viewer was the fantasy story with accurate symbolism in the modern world as the main villain was a company that was rapidly polluting the environment. the physical senary and surroundings of Norway were absolutely beautiful. The show addressed an actual problem in the country of Norway and based the drama around it.

The show gave you excellent character development and complex relationships. the show also explored and represented the LGBTQIA community. the characters in the show showed and portrayed modern-day problems in local communities and countries around the world. The writers also used the senary and weather to depict emotions in a striking way.

I hope you enjoyed the read and hope that check out this show on Netflix. The visuals and dramatic acting were over the top on this one for me and how it addresses all of the going on in the world. I was overly impressed with the writer and how beautifully he linked the story of norse mythology into the modern world and importantly focused on climate change and added it to the show’s plot. I’ve attached below the link to Netflix.