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Out Of Eden Walk

This week we looked at the website that explores the history and stories of the ancestors. “Paul Salopek’s 24,000-mile odyssey is a decade-long experiment in slow journalism. Moving at the beat of his footsteps, Paul is walking the pathways of the first humans who migrated out of Africa in the Stone Age and made the Earth ours. Along the way he is covering the major stories of our time—from climate change to technological innovation, from mass migration to cultural survival—by giving voice to the people who inhabit them every day. His words, as well as his photographs, video, and audio, create a global record of human life at the start of a new millennium as told by villagers, nomads, traders, farmers, soldiers, and artists who rarely make the news. In this way, if we choose to slow down and observe carefully, we also can rediscover our world.”

The first point I looked at was the Green Ark. The Green Ark, known as the ark of life. Almost 700 species of animals, including 154 mammals, 419 birds, 21 amphibians, 56 reptiles, 49 fish, and 1,690 different insects find refuge in the mountain’s steep folds. Humans that hike on the Green Ark can see what Earth once looked like. Walking through and seeing all the wildlife and how free they are in the Green Ark.

The Second point that I looked at was Walking Alongside The Daring and Creative. The first thing said in the article is that “None of us walk the Earth Alone”. Going around different places around the world, there are always people there walking with you and experiencing the same things as you. Seeing both sides of what you see, especially when there are locals around that area, they can inform you on the past of the area. This can educate you more on the places you visit.

The final point that I viewed was Milestone 32: Dry Well. “Every hundred miles Paul Salopek pauses to record the landscape and a person he meets, assembling a global snapshot of humankind.” Finding new places around the world and can use pictures to show more about the place than words can express it. Showing the journey can help show others how other parts of the world is different or similar than your area.

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