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WE Teachers and Mental Heath

This world is in the hands of the generations to come. We have growing issues that must be identified and addressed properly, and that comes with educating and advancing the next generations. Our generation must do the planning, research, and educating to enable the next generation to make big changes.

Sadly, I’ve been hearing this statement since the time I was in elementary school. So what generation is the one to actually be the educators, and which will be the changemakers?

It seems like ours. WE.org is an organization with this plan set in mind. WE is empowering students of all age to make changes and put their best hand forward in attempt to help in any way. Charity events, nonprofits, community outreaches, so on and so on, the goal is to create a generation of students who mind the well-being of others. To mind the well-being of others, they must first mind their own.

The teachers of WE are taught, through a free program, how do address mental health lapses or disorders in their students.

The contents teachers are taught to address, via WE.org

Being able to address these mental conditions is teaching for the future. This impacts the students ability to learn and socially interact in school now, but impacts their mental health for the future. Not every single student will be perfect, and preparing teachers for all different types of situations will increase their class awareness and broaden their ability to teach, reaching and impacting a larger audience during their time. Moreover, if this module from WE.org is made mandatory in teacher education programs, inclusivity and mental health will be no issue for future generations to combat.

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