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Social-Emotional Learning

Social-emotional learning has been proven to increase academic achievement a student can make and allow for positive social interactions. This also works outside of the schools. Social-Emotional Learning is self-awareness of oneself and skills used for school, work, or any success they may have in life. They help us to resolve conflicts, manage stress, make and keep friendships. You would serve as an example of healthy behavior. All young people have this. When people have this, they can think logically and understand each other’s boundaries. When asked How are you today, we cannot answer OK; we should express how we feel in the expression we think. But first, before answering, let’s use the word STOP.

We need to get in tune with our emotions, even if they are sad, angry, depressed, or anxious. It is OK to have negative feelings. The negative emotions are just as good as the positive emotions. When you can stop that emotion, you will better understand how to handle that feeling next time.

We generate different values throughout our life. Think about what you value and write that down. Rank them in their importance to you. Own your strengths; no one can take that away from you. Find your inspiration. Practice self-care. Play a game that works on communication skills; examples would be showing compassion, introducing mindful listening, and healthy communications.

This is helpful in a classroom setting because one’s behavior or emotion can affect another student. Students need a support team.

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