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Mental Well-Being Module

This week, I decided to check out the “Mental Well-Being” module on we.org! This module focuses on mental health challenges that students face everyday and what teachers can do to help.

Tips in this module that I think will be helpful in my future classroom are to work with parents, reduce classroom stress, and to find the good and praise it. Working with parents is important because it will create consistency in working with students who struggle mentally. Reducing classroom stress is important because it won’t make the students feel so pressured. One way to do this is to assign homework due in two days rather than the following day. Lastly, finding the good and praising it is important because students struggling with mental and behavioral issues often suffer from low self-esteem, so it is important to make them feel confident about the good that they do.

I definitely want to take all of this into consideration in my future classroom. Many students have a stressful home life which can lead to mental health issues. I would want school to be their safe space and make the environment feel like a safe one for them. You can check out my screenshots of the module I viewed below!

Thanks for viewing! 🙂

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