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Mount Vernon

This is a view of Mount Vernon as one approaches from the property’s entrance, Source: Get Your Guide

This week I took a virtual tour of Mount Vernon, George Washington’s prized estate where he would blend form with function. This tour is massive, starting with the 21-room mansion and ending when you want. Each room has factoids, not only is the mansion tour-able but so are the surroundings such as the outbuildings, sheds, grounds, and so much more.

This tour is so immense it is unlikely that anyone, including myself, can see everything the first go around. The tour is fully 360 in every camera position, there are also videos that you can play that explain some of Washington’s choices towards design as well as how some of the objects in the mansion were used.

This is a great tour for those who love history or Revolutionary Era architecture. It is easy for anyone to use, and if you’re looking for something to show in the class room or to give as an at home assignment. The sky’s the limit with Mount Vernon.

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