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Unfamiliar Cultural Experience

  1. The show I decided to watch for this assignment was called “Undercover” and the setting is in the Netherlands. The language the show was created in is known as Flemish.

I was unable to find any videos to share but the show can be found on Netflix. https://www.netflix.com/title/80225312

2. The setting doesn’t seem to be too different than what I’ve seen. Lots of rural areas and a few bars that don’t seem too different then what we have in the United States. The characters seem to dress quite similar and didn’t seem very different at all. I did notice that the majority of characters depicted had darker hair and there were no blonde haired people. Many of the men in the show often had beards.

3. I noticed a few differences early within the culture. In this country like many others with the exception of the united states uses the metric system. I also noticed that some of the subtitles were different much like the word “mate”. Obviously the language was foreign to me like nothing I’ve ever heard. They use cars as a main mode of transportation. These cars were often range rovers. The buildings were structured slightly differently, often colorful and made of bricks. The music also sounded different like they were using different instruments. Apart from a few aspects I would say it was surprisingly similar to my culture.

4. The physical surroundings in this show are also similar to me. I live next to a state forest and in the episode I watched they were camping in a very wooded area. Within the two episodes I watched there were no political or economic situations presented but, they do have a sophisticated police department much like the United States.

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