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“The tools for the teaching trade”

by Shelby Garrison, Garris37

Even teachers have tools up their sleeve!

Though I have learned a lot already, this latest chapter had taught me a lot! Teachers have so many tools available to them to help teach their students more efficiently and to help them adapt to the more diverse students they may have. Two of my favorite tools I learned about are flipgrid and microsoft translator!

A tutorial on flipgrid

I as a student LOVE flipgrid! It is so much more personal than a regular discussion board. When someone just types out something and submits it you often just get lost in the words, with flipgrid videos you actually see the persons face, and hear the tone of their voice! With the way learning is at the moment in the middle of this pandemic still, flipgrid is an amazing thing teachers can utilize. They are able to make a video explaining what their lessons are and how to do it! And the best part is kids can comment questions and be able to see their classmates comments as well! This is such a great communication tool.

A tutorial on microsoft translator

Another really great tool is microsoft translator! I wish I knew about this tool last year while I was working from home with special needs students who spoke Spanish as their first language. This is such a good tool for teachers to adapt to their diverse students and make communication easier!


  1. Shelby,
    I am also a fan of flipgrid as a student! I think you make a good point on how it is amazing for teachers to utilize a tool like flipgrid especially since we are still in a pandemic. I think it is important that students still see each other’s faces during online learning so they can have social interaction. It really is an amazing communication tool!

  2. Shelby,
    Even though I have just learned about flip-grid this year, I’m proud to say I love it. Flip-grid has been a great way to communicate with my fellow peers as well as being able to be hands on with the task that the teacher is asking for. It is a great way to reach out to others using as a resource.

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