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Blog Post 5 -Communication

During the Perusall reading this week I learned that Minecraft can be used as a way to educate children on social skills. I love playing video games and I always believed they can educate in amazing ways. Video games are extremely stimulating and often involve the use of reading, mathematics, collaboration, and objectives. Minecraft has launched an education edition which is now widely used by schools everywhere. Minecraft is great for children because it is very appropriate for young ages and involves critical thinking. Students can have fun all while collaborating with others to create structures or even explore. This new education edition also teaches manty subjects such as architecture, math, chemistry, agriculture and even computer programming. Watch the video below to learn about Minecraft Education Edition.

I believe this is a big step in changing the way teachers educate. Education is rapidly evolving with technology and teachers everywhere are using new tools to offer the best education to their students possible. My local school district now has a STEAM class. It stands for science, technology, education, arts and mathematics. Students now have access to virtual reality headsets and more. Exposing young learners to such amazing technology may produce great innovators in the future. It makes me wonder what games or new tools will be introduced in the coming years.


  1. Hi,
    I used to play Minecraft when I was younger, I loved to build and create villages, etc. It is great to see how much technology has advanced. Games we played when we were younger are now being used as educational games. You shared a great video, very informative!

  2. Hi,
    I’ve never really thought about using video games in the classroom setting. I enjoyed reading your blog because it gave me a different perspective on video games. I like that video games allow students to have fun while learning.

  3. I really enjoyed the video that you included with the blog post on Minecraft Education. I found your post to be very informative and I was surprised that there were many subjects such as architecture, math, chemistry, agriculture and even computer programming.

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