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The Reflection on the Clean Water and Sanitation Goal

Many countries depend on clean water sources to make multiple daily trips walking countless miles. These countries run a great risk when their only sources of water come from dangerous polluted water sources. These water sources cause many troubles for the students when they get various illnesses from the water sources. When these students get the lack education due to the water sources, they don’t have the preparation for their future life and career. So, when this occurs these countries remain in a continuous cycle of poverty. The top leading cause of death in the world is caused by diarrhea and most of those deaths could be prevented if they had clean water sources.

1 Comment

  1. I think this was a great goal to focus on. This reminded me of the edpuzzle video that we watched about the students that created a filter for clean water systems for a town in another part of the world. You made a great point about a cycle of poverty. People who live with issues like this have to focus on their health more than someone who may have clean water.

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