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Quality Education in The World’s Largest Lesson

In last week’s blog post, I had talked about The World’s Largest Lesson and SDGs. This week, I’d like to specifically look at Goal 4: Quality Education. When looking at it on the website, it is introduced as a goal to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” The website also provides additional resources. Specifically, a resource was given on why so many children still aren’t in school.

Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2013. This is made up of 59m children of primary school age and 65m young adolescents.

This resource gives insight as to why so many children aren’t in school: child labor, child marriage, discrimination, and other conflict. Introducing these issues to students through The World’s Largest Lesson, it gives them a better understanding on what is happening and how they can learn and help change it.

Be sure to check out UNESCO’s video on quality education as well!

For more information, be sure to check out the following links:


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