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Quality Education

The goal that I chose to write about was quality education for all. More specifically to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. Education is all around us. Education is not just a key to a better life but with education comes life long lessons that can have generational impacts. There is a great correlation between poverty and education. Graduation rates are often lower in areas of poverty. People stop attending schools to began working early which results in not having the proper skills to obtain better careers. Then people do not believe school is valuable resulting in their children repeating the same path and raising their children without the care for education. These people never receive the vast opportunities that come with education. There are many important targets that focus on many important areas of education. The global pandemic is also affecting children’s ability to get an education. With schools closing, the motivation to complete school is depleting and children in certain areas are at risk of being forced into child labor and possibly even child marriage. Not having access to remote learning can affect children long term, like being in poverty and not having necessary skills for life. One way this goal is being met is through remote learning, if accessible. With the pandemic, most children are able to continue their education online. Although this is not ideal, it is better than nothing. More recently, schools have began to reopen, implementing new regulations, like masks and social distancing. This allows students to attend school in person and regain some motivation. Learning in person is significantly more sufficient and effective for majority of children. In conclusion, education is a very important tool that will affect a child the entirety of their lifetime. Without a good education, children can grow up and live in poverty, or go down horrific paths.

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