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Goal 5: Gender Inequality

I chose to explore the goal of ending gender inequality and found some interesting information on the topic on the SDG website. It’s an unfortunate but well known fact that the pandemic has affected everyone’s lives across the globe but women in particular have been disproportionately affected by the way COVID 19 has changed their lives.

According to a graphic on the SDG site, violence against women has skyrocketed as the result of the pandemic. This is part has to do with the way that people have been required to stay in side for their health and safety and many women are being trapped inside with their abusive partners and family members for extended periods of time.

On top of the increase in domestic violence cases being reported, there has been an increase in women being employed an underpaid for housework and domestic help as a direct result of the pandemic. All of these factors negatively impact the goal to end gender inequality and require further, immediate action from everyone on both a personal and government level.

I’d like to see the UN put out a statement about the way the pandemic is shining a light on gender inequality and offer resources for those who are suffering as a result at this time. I plan to keep up with the way that these situations are developing for women around the globe and continue to speak out about gender inequality and help when I can.

Watch this video about gender inequality below:


You can find the graphic I referenced here:


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