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Our Future: The Importance of SDGs

Our Earth isn’t a perfect place. There’s poverty, hunger, inequality, and on and on. It seems like every day we hear new news of more global issues that seem to be stacking higher and higher. Our Earth doesn’t have a singular government to act on these issues, but the United Nations is the closest solution. The United Nations is a committee with representation from every single country in the world. The UN has developed and crafted different plans of action to tackle these crises across the globe. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the way to achieving the global peace and prosperity that the UN is striving for. There importance is much larger than helping impoverished countries gain traction or establishing global peace and equality, rather they will help improve global climate conditions and future POAs. The future isn’t guaranteed for our Earth, and we may be shortening the life span of our generation and generations to come if we don’t start achieving these goals.

Sustainable Development Goals kick off with start of new year – United  Nations Sustainable Development
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) via the United Nations

These are the Sustainable Development Goals. These aren’t new to me as I’ve had previous interaction working with them in classes before this, but to many it’s their first time seeing these. That’s a problem in my eyes. These goals are our future. These goals are for the betterment of our lives.

Of the seventeen SDGs, I would highlight three of them: no poverty, zero hunger, quality education. It’s so difficult to think and decide on which to prioritize because of the importance and connection between all of them. Educating our youth is definitely a priority. Educating them on these issues especially, because without teaching the next generation then these goals will never be met.

No Poverty and Zero Hunger interconnect with Good Health and Well-Being, thus why I prioritize them. Poverty ravages every country, everywhere. We can drive fifteen minutes away and see impoverished living conditions.

I really struggled thinking which issues need to be tackled first. And my final answer is: none. No one SDG needs to be prioritized over all the others. They all are critical and need to be addressed. As I’m going through them, we are not close to achieving any of them. The United Nations suggests that we complete this list of SDGs by 2030. It’s 2021, and I don’t believe we are close. Saving our world needs to be prioritized.

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