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Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being

With everything going on in this world with the pandemic, it is super important to keep up to date with your health. Going to the doctors frequently is very important to make sure you are healthy. With the pandemic going on, during quarantine is was hard for people to stay healthy and their bodies healthy when everything was shut down for a year. People weren’t exercising much or eating healthy. But eating healthy isn’t the only healthy thing you can do. Drinking water and exercising is very important for our bodies, but also making sure we are on the right medications can help our bodies stay healthy.

Goal 3 is about good health. Target 3.2 is based on by 2030 ending the preventable deaths of newborns and young children under 5. Trying to find ways to keep the mother and the newborn babies healthy so that their lives can be saved and live a long life.

Target 3.7 is aiming towards that 2030 there will be access for sexual and reproductive health-care to educate others. Helping people learn about the health-care options to keep your body safe and healthy and also your unborn child’s life.

Always keep Goal 3 in mind, keep yourself healthy! Go see a doctor if needed and take care of yourself.

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