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Ending Poverty

Goal 1 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Image found on sdgs.un.org

After reviewing the many topics, the United Nations faces, I decided I would focus on poverty. When viewing the information provided by the United Nations, they show us that the goals to end poverty by 2030 will not be met but will be at around 7%.

Since Covid-19, poverty levels have significantly increased. The numbers range from 119-124 million. 60% of the people of this number are in Southern Asia. On November 1, 2021, experts from all over the world will be coming together. The main goals that they have provided are:

  • Eradicate extreme poverty for people everywhere.
  • Reduce half of the people living in poverty.
  • Implement nationally appropriate social protection for all and that people have rights to economic resources.

In April of 2021, national land local disaster risks went up by 45 percent in 2015. There are 1600 short-term goals in total, and that is only about Covid-19. These are just some of the goals listed to be reached by 2030. Unfortunately, they estimate 600 million people will still be living in poverty worldwide in 2030. They have not found a solution for global application, but nationally and internationally, programs are assisting. The last meeting about this topic was on October 6, 2021. Target 1.2 seems reachable. That goal is to reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women, and children of all ages related to poverty living in poverty and all its dimensions according to national definitions.

They continue to look for a future goal or eradicating poverty because this is the biggest problem worldwide. Eliminating poverty is a goal that seems to the United Nations as an overreaching goal unless they have immediate and substantial policies. We need to be aware of different forms of poverty and do our part to help.



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