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Sustainable Development Goals

By Tiffany Imparato

For my blog post this week I have researched a sustainable development goal that is highlighted on the United Nations website that I have a personal connect with. In 2015 all the United Nation Member States adopted The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and highlighted 17 extremely important goals to focus upon. Being a parent and future educator I decided to select goal #4 Quality Education.

This goal is to work towards “inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” Sadly during the Covid 19 global pandemic according to the UN, 20 years worth of educational gains have been lost during this difficult time. Reading levels have reached historic lows as an impact and children are being negatively impacted without having access to quality education.

Some of the vital targets of this quest are access to early education programs and care to ensure proper development and support. I was lucky enough in my area to have access to such care for my children and understand the benefits however this is not the case in many areas. Target 4.3 calls for equal access regardless of sex to quality and affordable education such as technical schools and universities. Education must follow through to ensure an equal chance in adulthood regardless of sex or economical status. Todays students are tomorrows future and we must invest in that future! Goal 4.6 calls for increasing literacy which is so vital globally and a key instrument in success. Target 4.c calls for increasing the availability of quality teachers on a global level and to ensure all students are receiving the best chance in the classroom. The United States have pretty strict guidelines for teachers however often students in underprivileged nations are not having access to the best available candidates and this must be addressed.

The call for this goal will go much further than the 2030 plan and needs to remain a highlighted focus across nations. Education is vital to the success of society and ensuring that members are given the best chance of survival.

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