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Create a Community Through Blogging

In an increasingly digital world that is still dealing with the effects of a global pandemic, many trends toward virtual learning and internet reliance became necessities. The world of education is always evolving and no greater changes have been seen than those over the past few school years. Our views on traditional and modern learning have fundamentally changed.

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Virtual Learning is a new reality facing students.

I can personally attest to the value of blogging as an academic tool. I have done very little blogging prior to this year, but I can already see improvement in my technological skills.

New ways to create a community are vital to learning.

It has also provided me with an expanded perspective on how we can interact as a learning community. With an increase in virtual learning and independent study, creating a fun challenge for students to use is more important than ever. The Student Blogging Challenge is a way to keep students engaged, allow their work to be personal and create a community that would not otherwise exist.

Thanks for reading! If you like what you read (or don’t like what you read) let me know! @PatrickWCrowell

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