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Bilingual Kidspot

By Shelby Garrison, Garris37

I chose Bilingual Kidspot because I am learning about diversity and how to deal with students who speak other languages. I am also planning on becoming an English teacher and thought this would be a great tool for me personally.

Diversity in your classroom

Bilingual Kidspot is an amazing tool that gives students access to online books! The best part about this tool is that they offer these books in different language and they are FREE! This means all of your students, even the bilingual ones are able to use this to, as well as students with financial hardships. We all know to expect the unexpected, especially because we aren’t completely over this pandemic, so this is a great option for students doing online distant learning.

Bilingual learning

Not only is this a great tool for people that already are bilingual, but this is useful for teaching other languages as well! Students have access to see the book they are reading in their first language and the language they’re trying to learn! This is a good tool for Spanish, french and german teachers as well as English teachers.

The benefits of being bilingual

I would 100% use this tool in my classroom, and I am so glad I found it! There are many ways I will be able to use this. For example I would be able to choose a book I would want my class to read and they have access to that book even at home (so no excuses like “I forgot to take my book home”). Summer reading is also a school requirement in most districts around me and thats where I would ask my students to navigate to so they wouldn’t even have to purchase a book or go to a public library, they would have FREE access online!

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