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Empatico in the Classroom

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Empatico allows students to see other cultures and communities, share their experiences, learn from others whose lives are different from theirs. This tool is FREE and combines everything that you need in one place. This includes live video, file sharing, and activities. It also pairs you with a classroom based on interests, age groups, and more.

Social and emotional skills are just as important as academic skills. As an educator, my classroom will be cultivating an environment of empathic and kind students who hold the future of the world in their hands as well as their hearts. This tool is an excellent way to give my students real world experience with people and cultures different from what they see in their own circle at home and school.

Students will have the opportunity to practice critical thinking, cooperation, perspective talking, and learn how to communicate respectfully. Empatico helps build interpersonal skills that will benefit them throughout their life. This generation of students will be interacting with countless people who come from many different walks of life and giving them the tools and skills necessary to properly interact, communicate, and build substantial relationships that will set them up for success.

This tool would have been extremely helpful in a classroom I was in when I was younger. We connected to students in Japan via Skype and writing letters. However, setting up times to Skype and waiting for letters to come back took up a lot of time. Also, participating in activities was hard due to the lack of technology in both the schools. Luckily, Empatico has bridged this gap so that educators and students can get more out of this experience than ever before.

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