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Collaboration In Education

by Tiffany Imparato


This week as a class we focused on the importance of collaboration and how it will be beneficial in creating our own PLNs. We are all aware of the high burnout rates for teachers and having a PLN to support and collaborate with is extremely valuable to both the educators and those they teach. Thankfully today we have many resources that allow teachers to collaborate virtually from anywhere. Teachers can use platforms such as Skype, Zoom, and Twitter to connect with fellow educators to support and share information to better their classrooms experience. The idea of collaboration can start as simple as connecting with fellow teachers in our your school environment to connecting with educators across the globe via blogs, social media, and many other resources. While searching Twitter I came across a valuable blog called Microsoft Education Blog that focuses on various concepts and support. Below I have shared a video of Heather Duncan-Whitt speaking about her own personal journey in teacher and how she learned the importance of seeking support outside the walls of her classroom.

Heather Duncan-Whitt

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