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The Process of Intentionally Choosing Educational Technology in Schools

In this article, we learn about the process of how schools choose what technology is worth having in the classroom. Today, this is more relevant than ever. With the last year of COVID-19 and the switch to virtual learning, teachers and students were exposed to many new educational technologies. Unfortunately, under the circumstances, there was not much time able to be put into discussing what to use. This year however, with in person classes resuming, teachers are able to intentionally choose what technologies they would like to use in their classrooms. There are many factors that go into making these decisions for a school district, some of which are discussed below.

What is Educational Technology?

Educational technology is any technological tools and/or media that are used to facilitate in the teaching process.

Some examples include:

  • learning games and stimulants
  • educational videos
  • live streaming
  • tablets / computers
  • 3D printing
  • and MANY MORE!

How Schools Decide the Best Technology for their District

  • This process begins by considering the desired outcome, which comes from the objectives of both the district and the educators.
  • Ed tech leaders, teachers, and librarians discuss their technology needs.
  • These conversations then make their way up to Administration.
  • Decisions are made about which technology best fits the objectives and outcomes of the district and educators.

“Districts will be able to find the right technology when the decision-makers and end users mutually understand the goals and learning objectives. “

(Rebecca Torchia Twitter Rebecca Torchia is a web editor for EdTech: Focus on K–12. Previously How to choose K–12 educational technology intentionally)

What Can Make These Decisions Difficult

  • When decision makers and educators are not on the same page, or when administration does not understand how the technology will be implemented in the classroom.
  • COST! School districts have budgets they need to stick to, sometimes the associated costs, such as professional development that may be needed fr the new technology, can put these items over budget.

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