If you find yourself on campus between now and March 10, be sure to stop by Stockton’s library and explore the current exhibition on display, “Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act through Music: A Display of African American Musicians from the Richard E. Bjork Library Collections.” Complete with a fascinating presentation of images, books, and CDs, the exhibit examines how African Americans used music as a form of nonviolent protest during the Civil Rights era. It also highlights a number of influential individuals and institutions that united African Americans on both the local and national scale. Don’t miss out–visit the library and check out this exhibition today!
Blog Roll
- Annual Report 2014-15
- Annual Report 2015-2016
- ARGO 9/29/14
- Atlantic County Digitized Newspapers
- Call for Articles – SoJourn
- Cellar Hole
- Gordon's NJ Map 1828
- Hammonton History Project
- Hammonton Sesquicentennial
- Index to Batsto Citizens Gazette
- NJPineBarrens
- Pinelands Short Course 2015
- Piney Power
- SJCHC on facebook
- SJCHC student opportunities
- Stockton College
- VAF Guidebook 2014: Down Jersey – From Bayshore to Seashore
Of Interest