Author Archives: connorj

Checkered White Background from Robert Somes

New Jersey Zoologist (& Stockton grad) Robert Somes has sent in some interesting background about checkered whites: Checkered white is kind of a peculiar species in NJ with a Threatened Status. Up until the last two years it was restricted … Continue reading

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Salem Co Calling All Butterflyers!

The next generation emerging: a checkered white caterpillar, photo’d by Dave Amadio in Salem County, 7-28-12. Have you been pulling out your maps to calculate the drive time to Featherbed Lane and environs? Dave Amadio reports on his day in … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, First Emergences, Nymphalids, Pierids | Comments Off on Salem Co Calling All Butterflyers!

Checkered White Outbreak!

A female checkered white found and photo’d by Sandra Keller in Salem County, 7-27-12. Sandra Keller and Chip Krilowicz added significantly to our checkered white numbers yesterday (7-27-12) with more than thirty individuals counted in a close cluster of places … Continue reading

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Checkered White: FO5Y!

A female checkered white found and photo’d by Dave Amadio ovipositing (on what seems to be Lepidium virginicum) in Salem County, 7-25-12. We have reached that time in the butterflying season when it’s hard to find a species new for … Continue reading

Posted in Looking At Our Data, Pierids | 3 Comments

The Boomer Generations

Dion skipper, photo’d by Mike Crewe at Cape May Point State Park on 7-19-12. At least two local butterflies are having an especially good July: dion skipper and eastern tiger swallowtail. As noted a couple of posts ago, dion has … Continue reading

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Looking Beyond The Leps (Updated)

Do you know this creature, photo’d by Chip Krilowicz on July 16? As of 7/20/12, I am updating this post, thanks to comments and photos from Sam Galick and Mike Crewe. I first posted that: Odonate expert (and regular contributor … Continue reading

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Dion Skipper: Here Now & Too-Soon-Gone?

Female dion skipper in Cape May Courthouse, 7-5-12, found and photo’d by Cynthia Allen. Cynthia Allen and her garden brought us our first dion skipper of the year the other day, our 84th species for the year and a new … Continue reading

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In the Cool of the Night

All photos here are by Pat Sutton. Pat & Clay Sutton regularly hang “gooey” fruit in a dish in their backyard in Goshen (Cape May Co) to attract both butterflies and moths — and the last week has brought a … Continue reading

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June Compilation, 2012

Rare skipper on the Belleplain NABA count, 6-22-12, photo’d by Pat Sutton, one of 15 reports of the species in June. Thirty-four observers contributed a total of 1844 reports in June, and we found 69 species during the month, well … Continue reading

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A Little Yellow Invasion Year?

Little yellow found and photo’d by Will Kerling in Cape May Courthouse on 6-25-12. The South Jersey status of Eurema lisa, the little yellow, seems something of a puzzle. Gochfeld & Burger note in their Butterflies Of New Jersey (1997) … Continue reading

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