A Starter’s Checklist to South Jersey Butterflies

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At the link below is a checklist put together to help us attract new observers to our Sightings Log and our South Jersey Butterfly Project.

As you will be able to tell, it is aimed at beginners or potential beginners.  The idea is to provide a single sheet of paper without fancy graphics (so it’s easy-to-print) to help folks get started looking at butterflies in our area.

If our veteran observers could print out a few copies to pass along to anyone you know who has expressed an interest in butterflies — or anyone you encounter in the field who seems like they might be interested — we could draw in some new participants.

“What are you looking at?

“It’s a mourning cloak.”

“Cool!  It’s beautiful.  You know, I’ve always wanted to learn butterflies.”

“Here’s a checklist that might help you. Tells you some of the easier ones to find in southern NJ and when they fly.  And it tells you about our group as well.  Anyone can join.  No membership fees and no entrance exam!”

Now that our Sightings Log is so user-friendly, our next step to greater success seems to be letting more people know we exist.

Jesse and I brought 80 copies to the Pinelands Short Course at Stockton yesterday to distribute at the New Jersey Native Plant Society table (and elsewhere) and attendees of all ages snapped them up quickly.  “Thank you very much!” was the most frequent comment.

A Checklist To Draw New Observers


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