Eastern comma photo’d by Will Kerling on 9-10-13.

Question mark caterpillar photo’d by Jack Miller in his backyard in Petersburg on 9-11-13.

Viceroy apparently attempting to mate with a red-spotted purple, its close relative, photo’d by Jack Miller 9-20-13 at Lizard Tail Swamp Preserve.

Red admiral at fruit, photo’d by Ruth Cranmer in her backyard in Mt Laurel 9-15-13.

Tawny emperor, photo’d by Chris Herz in her backyard in Audubon, 9-7-13.

Male luna moth photo’d by Joanne Taylor in Paulsboro.

Male fiery skipper photo’d by Will Kerling on 9-8-13.
Keep ’em coming, photographers. You can add your photos as links directly to the log as described in the blog below — or send them as attachments to nacotejackATgmailDOTcom.
Keep reporting, everyone!