When the Tables Turn

From January 31 to February 1, Stockton University held its Spring Get-Involved Fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in A- I atrium. This is when all the clubs and organizations all advertise their groups to recruit members through tabling and the event usually takes place in the beginning of each semester. In the fall semester, my first one here at college, I was taken aback and slightly overwhelmed by all the possible teams I could join, “Should I go Greek? Maybe I should do something different and join Stockton Entertainment Team? Perhaps I could stay with my usual course and join Biological Society?” These thoughts poured through my mind and by the end of my visits to the tables, I was left with 50 pamphlets and no decision. In the fall, I decided to leave no bias and join each and every club’s email list (a decision which my piling mailbox now makes me regret) and attend each club’s meeting at least once. From there, I deduced my many club choices to just 2 to stay focused in them and still spare attention for academics, sports, etc.

Now, during the spring semester, instead of serving as the frantic freshman listening to each club’s pitch, I was tabling for Commuters on the Go and sitting on the opposite side of where I once stood. It was me who was now convincing students why my club was worth joining. The perspective had changed in less than a year and this was already evidence of me growing up. So what? I was able to learn how to convince students to join through my reflection on how others convinced me. This turned into a small learning project for me. In summary, this event was well worth attending and I would recommend it to any freshman-grad student who considers joining a club/organization.

M.L.K. Day of Service

The day before winter break ended, on January 16, and before the dreaded course work was thrown onto us again, Stockton University held a Day of Service in memory of Martin Luther King who committed his life to helping others. The event was held in the Campus Center Event Room and began with a series of speakers before the large group of eager volunteers was sectioned off into different service events hosted by a diversity of clubs and organizations. At first, my friend and I joined a group that assisted with tutoring prison inmates in basic schooling such as algebra in order to help them receive their educational goals. However, after realizing that this required a lengthy application process instead of being able to volunteer on the spot, we switched over to Books without Borders where we were able to assist with the transportation and organization of books which would be sent to Zimbabwe.

By being hands-on with the service, I was able to directly view its impact. After the service projects had all ended, we were all given a brief reflection session as well as a shirt/scarf!

I would recommend doing this event to anyone who wishes to serve their community and greater good of society.

Achieving my Dreams

Two years ago, during junior year of high school, my best friend asked me to join the cross country team after I expressed my passion for running. I laughed it off and joked, “No, no, not that type of running.” What I really meant to say was that although I really enjoyed running, I would run at most 1 mile or 2 miles if I was willing to push myself on a daily basis. I really did not think I was capable of running more than this distance until I came to Stockton University and decided to try something new. At first, in September and beginning of October, I was following the same training plan that I created for myself in high school. Then, I decided, “Well, what if I wanted to do more?” I pushed myself to run 3 miles and increased this to 5 and eventually 10. By the time I reached the last mark, I told myself that I had to race in order to truly mark my achievements. My heart was set on running on a half-marathon and for the next 4 months, I trained for this race and completely changed my lifestyle as I went. There was such a thrill in obtaining the once “unreachable” and I was about to grab it.

On Sunday, April 9, I woke up at 4:30 am with my stomach in knots and pre-race anxiety as thoughts ran through my mind. Why was I nervous? I had trained for months, followed a strict diet plan, and even planned my outfit a week in advance. As my dad and I picked up my friend and drove down to Rutgers reaching there almost 1 hour before the race, we were able to experience the pre-race rush before the wave of runners came into the area. Then, they started calling us into line and suddenly the moment I was preparing months for was REAL. It was all real. The gunshot rang and the runners blasted off. The first few miles, I could not stop myself from smiling like a dork with the euphoria just rushing in. By mile 10, my face was a different story, but my hard work and training kept me going towards the finish line. The finish line was a sense of relief and greatness; inexplicable by simple words.

Already, I am thinking of when I can race again and how I can improve my race by working on pace, posture, etc. There is always room for improvement; overall, my goal here is to show that if you set your mind to it, anything is possible. When I first started running, my parents even doubted that I would go further than 3 miles as a concern of health and family history rather than discouragement. Regardless, I was the first one in my family to run such a long race and defy all the odds. Often, you read the stories of the great unattainable feats athletes, scientists, etc. go through. Well, here is a small story of a common college girl who was able to break her own barriers and is on the way to joining the cross country team she once laughed off.

Afternoon of Service (2-28)

A couple hours a week of simple community service can add to your living and soon enough it will not be community service as much as it will become part of weekly routine. On Tuesday, February 28, from 4:30-6 in Meeting Room 5, my club, Commuters on the Go hosted an Afternoon of Service where the main service project was creating tote bags. The task was fairly simple; align two pieces of cloth and sew three sides together, then attach a handle. However, the effect was lasting. Seeing how easily a small group of people could create 10-15 tote bags in a little over an hour was magnifying and although these bags may serve no regular purpose for those creating the bags, they make a large impact for the homeless people to whom they were being donated to. Rather than simply donating food or money which is a short-period expense, this clothing bag lasts forever and serves as a substitute to plastic bags or carts and helps develop a sense of security for personal items. Following the service session, there was a reflection which helped to open all our minds and hearts regarding our opinions of homeless people. Our common perception is that these individuals are lazy and treated below the status of human for their lack of belongings which typically generate trust and security (car, house, etc.). Yet, after some thought, we all poured in ideas that these are just everyday people who have encountered slight bumps in the road and many of them do have jobs, simply just not enough to sustain a home.

This service and reflection made me understand why I go to college: not just to be educated in the sciences, but everyday issues which surround us. Days like these should be attended at least once a month to retain their purpose.


Philly Trip

On October 2, the freshman Honors group, took a trip to Plays and Players Theater on 1714 Delancey Street, Philadelphia from 11-5 and experienced a political satire. From start to end, the whole trip was memorable. The actual satire was very enlightening and very informational regarding the surrounding politics. The view remained unbiased and the actors composed good representations. The building itself was very antique and small from the outside, although it was spacious on the inside. In addition, the architecture of the facilities was definitely a reflection of the history of the community.

The trip provided us with a great view of Philly and this adventure included a 45 minute hunt for lunch, only to end up a Wawa.

I would recommend this trip to any Honors student or any incoming student who wishes to join the Honors community to embark in trips such as these.

Day of Leadership

Although I was simply the secretary of a small-time club, I was still eager to attend this event to learn how I could improve my leadership skills. On Saturday, April 18 at 8:00 a.m. in the Campus Center Event Room, I attended the Day of Leadership. Upon walking into the room, I was able to view leaders of all types of experience from club leaders to resident’s assistants to even a couple professors. The morning started off with a guest speaker who introduced the idea of being innovative with even the smallest of tasks and speaking up. The concept of leading can come from the most minuscule of tasks and he was able to inspire many individuals, including myself, with the talks he delivered. After lunch, the group separated into different meeting rooms where several speakers delivered their own presentations regarding their own subjects. The one I attended discussed creating his own pin as small project and handing it out to others to share quotes from his book. These motivational phrases were soon spread through the world of celebrities earning him the just fame which he deserved. This was very fascinating to see how many people commended his efforts and how a mini project could grow so large. Afterwards, Stockton faculty and students presented their own “TED Talks” and then the day was to an end.

From this session, I learned the importance of trying new projects and speaking up. I would recommend this to anyone who desires to be a better leader and individual in their community.

NAMS Laboratory

On January 23, in USC 221, I began my first day in the NAMS laboratory as a chemical lab assistant where my job was to prepare chemicals and prep for the chemistry labs as well as their finals. Upon walking into the lab, I was shocked at all the appliances and intense organization for all the chemicals and supplies. I was provided with lab googles and a lab coat (LAB COAT!!) and set off with simple tasks at first. However, as the weeks led on, I was given more complex tasks such as preparing 24 L of NaOH and cutting 500 strips of Magnesium. This job has taught me so much about chemistry as well as time management since I go straight from class to work and back to class. The amount of information I have learned hands-on and introductions to all the chemistry professors has definitely allowed me to place my foot in the door for which I am grateful.

I am still working at these facilities and would recommend any student to take a small-time job in their current major to truly experience it.