Author Archives: kinsellt

Lines on the Pines for Kids

Lines on the Pines for Kids met on a beautiful day today, March 12, 2014, at Stockton’s Kramer Hall in Hammonton. Dozens of kids took classes on painting, basketweaving, photography, bog terrariums and CSI techniques — all about the Pine … Continue reading

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Consider these Exciting Opportunities!

Stockton LITT majors, Alums, and friends: I Tom Kinsella want to interest you in projects, big and small, that are concerned with South Jersey. Most of you know I’ve been working on South Jersey projects with students and community members … Continue reading

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Catching Up with Bill

Yesterday evening, I was able to listen in on a phone conversation between Bill Bolger and Tom Kinsella about Bill’s walking the “Keith Line” project. The conversation served as both an introduction to Bill and his project and a catch-up … Continue reading

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Archaeology at Batsto

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, October 5, 2014, the SJCHC film crew continued their documentary of Budd Wilson, this time at Batsto where Budd was filmed discussing the archaeology of the site.

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Further on down the line

The wonder of cellphones! SJCHC called Bill Bolger at 9:10am on October 1, 2014. (He picked up on his cell, but then called back on a land line.) We hoped for an update on his #Keithline walk. Bill reported that … Continue reading

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Lines on the Pines for Kids goes to College

This is an interesting event that may be of interest to those with young children. I helped out at last year’s event and it was great – kids who had to be dragged in by their parents because they just … Continue reading

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“A Stitch in Time”

Here is an excellent the youtube video of Pat Martinelli speaking on women in the garment industry in South Jersey, March 31, 2014 at Kramer Hall in Hammonton, New Jersey.

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Sandy Shorts 3.2

The early summer issue of Sandy Shorts 3.2 is available here. Nice work.

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SandyShorts 3.1

The Spring, 2014 issue of Sandy Shorts is now available here. The product of research and writing by Stockton Literature majors, it is well worth a look.

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Unveiling Atlantic County Map, 1872

Please join us. On Thursday, March 20th, at 4:30, the Stockton Library will unveil its newly restored (and very large) map of Atlantic County, published in 1872. There will be a discussion by the map conservator Jessica Keister, paper and … Continue reading

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