Category Archives: Migration

Pat Sutton on “Where Are The Monarchs?”

  Pat Sutton has written an excellent overview of this year’s monarch flight at the Native Plants & Wildlife Gardens site this week. You can link to it below — very informative and also includes links to other sites and … Continue reading

Posted in Eggs, Cats, Chrysalids, Migration, Milkweed Butterflies | Comments Off on Pat Sutton on “Where Are The Monarchs?”

Congratulations to all of us!

Sam Galick photo’d this leucistic monarch among the many thousands of monarchs seen at Cape May on 9-29-12. Update (10-8-12): Link to September compilation now included here (scroll about 4/5 down). Whew, thank goodness for a rainy day this morning … Continue reading

Posted in Looking At Our Data, Migration, Pierids, Skippers | Comments Off on Congratulations to all of us!

Monarchs, Monarchs, Monarchs

Monarch roost photo’d by Pat Sutton (details below) 9-25-12. Lots of us got our starts chasing after butterflies because of fall monarch flights, and the wonderful phenomenon may be peaking for 2012 this weekend, with thousands of individuals along our … Continue reading

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Meanwhile, North of Cape May. . .

Bronze copper, our only report of the year, photo’d by Dave Amadio on Sunset Drive, Salem County, 9-9-12. As everyone who visits our log knows by now, Cape May has been the hottest of hot spots for the last couple … Continue reading

Posted in Looking At Our Data, Lycaenids, Migration, Nymphalids, Out-of-Area Reports, Skippers, Swallowtails | Comments Off on Meanwhile, North of Cape May. . .

The Southern Story Continues…

Long-tailed skipper photo’d by Gibson Reynolds in the Cape May Meadows, 9-14-12. This year’s invasion of southern species continues as Ocola and long-tailed skippers have become amazingly numerous in southernmost NJ. Ocola skipper photo’d by Will Kerling in Cape May … Continue reading

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Straying or Stretching?

Long-tailed skipper missing its tails photo’d by Cynthia Allen in her garden on 9-3-12. A second long-tailed skipper, with both tails, photo’d by Cynthia in her garden the very next day, 9-4-12. The northernmost area of the species’ regular breeding … Continue reading

Posted in Looking At Our Data, Migration, Pierids, Skippers | Comments Off on Straying or Stretching?

Southbound & Historic?

Painted ladies — one small sample — photo’d by Will Kerling at Cape May Point on 8-26-12. August closed with a flurry of memorable sightings during the last week, including: –> long-tailed skipper (the first one found by Chris Tonkinson … Continue reading

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A Little Yellow Invasion Year?

Little yellow found and photo’d by Will Kerling in Cape May Courthouse on 6-25-12. The South Jersey status of Eurema lisa, the little yellow, seems something of a puzzle. Gochfeld & Burger note in their Butterflies Of New Jersey (1997) … Continue reading

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Mid-June SJBF Happenings

This Edward’s hairstreak (and two others) at the Hesstown power lines, photo’d by Will Kerling on 6-16-12, means we have found all five South Jersey Satyrium species in June. Hey, South Jersey Butterflyers, lots of action lately — and apparently … Continue reading

Posted in Lycaenids, Migration, Nymphalids | Comments Off on Mid-June SJBF Happenings

More Observations of May 4th Flight

Will Kerling managed to capture all three species of the migrating flocks in one image at Lizard Tail Swamp Preserve. It’s hard to keep up with the red admiral/Am lady/question mark flight, as it is continuing. For the most recent … Continue reading

Posted in Migration, Nymphalids | 4 Comments