2017 Butterfly Big Years X Two

As many of you know, two of our most active veterans conducted Butterfly Big Years in 2017 — determined to spot as many species in the state as they could in one calendar year.

Congratulations to Steve Glynn and Jack Miller for their amazingly successful chases — and for sharing their stories here.

Just click below for their first-person accounts….and maybe start planning your own effort for 2018?


Steve Glynn NJ Butterfly Big Year Report

Jack Miller Big Year Review

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6 Responses to 2017 Butterfly Big Years X Two

  1. Steve Glynn says:

    Bravo to my fellow traveler and butterfly chaser! Nice report Jack, a very pleasant read. As the weather has cooled and the butterflies have left us, I’m already wistful and ready for the first flights of 2018, but at a simpler pace this time around.

  2. Sandra Keller says:

    Congrats to you both! I have never done a butterfly big year. Maybe in a few years! Good luck to you both with your 2018 butterfly endeavors!

  3. Chris Herz says:

    Congratulations Steve and Jack! I enjoyed reading both accounts. So neat to see so many. Thanks for your post.

  4. Dave Amadio says:

    And so many people only see NJ from the turnpike at 65 mph. Tremendous diversity! Tremendous effort! Congratulations to both of you!

  5. Jack Miller says:

    A bravo right back at Steve for his amazing accomplishment, his excellent account of the year and his sharing of his splendid photos. I am especially glad that Steve wrote about his work with the Sleepy Orange colony in his review. May it inspire us to work towards similar goals and acts of preservation.

  6. Beth Polvino says:

    Loved reading both accounts of the Big Year’s. I feel it’s wonderful they both accomplished and surpassed the goals they set for themselves. I have benefited from knowing both of them as they teach me about butterflies

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