July Opens With a Flurry


Dave Amadio found our first (and so far only) Georgia satyr of the year -- at Lakehurst on 7-4-13.

Dave Amadio found our first (and so far only) Georgia satyr for 2013 — at Lakehurst on 7-4-13 (Ocean County).

We’ve had some good finds and cool photos over the last week or so.  Above and below, a small sampling:

Brian Johnson found and photo'd this Edward's hairstreak posed on its host plant (scrub oak, Quercus ilicifolia) along the Hesstown powerline on 7-3-13.

Brian Johnson found this Edward’s hairstreak posed on its host plant (scrub oak, Quercus ilicifolia) along the Hesstown powerline on 7-2-13 (Cumberland County).

One of the half dozen coral hairstreaks Will Kerling photo'd on orange milkweed on 7-3-13.

One of the half dozen coral hairstreaks Will Kerling photo’d on orange milkweed on 7-3-13 (Cape May County).

Steve Glynn photo'd this common wood nymph in Lawrence Corner Road (Salem Co) on 7-3-13.

Steve Glynn photo’d this common wood nymph in Lawrence Corner Road on 7-3-13 (Salem Co).

Pat Sutton photo'd this rare skipper in her garden on 7-4-13.

Pat Sutton found this rare skipper on milkweed in her garden on 7-4-13 (Cape May County).

Dave Amadio found and photo'd this mulberry wing in Lakehurst on 7-4-13.

Dave Amadio photo’d this mulberry wing on knapweed along the Lakehurst RR tracks on 7-4-13 (Ocean County).

Thanks to each of these photographers for sharing their shots.

Keep ’em coming!

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