Eastern tiger swallowtail in Cape May, photo’d by Will Kerling in Cape May Courthouse on 7-4-13, one of more than 3300 individuals reported in our area in 2013.
Our sixth year of logging was another good one, especially because of the wide participation of observers throughout our eight-county area. Keep at it, everyone! And if you are new to this blog or our log and would like to participate in 2014, please email me at nacotejackATgmailDOTcom. We are always looking for more contributing observers.
In 2013 more than 90 observers compiled more than 16,700 reports involving 94 species, tying 2012 for our second highest species total. (We found 95 species in our first year, 2008.)
Some of the highlights of the year:
–> the huge overlapping flights of tiger swallowtail (3300+ individuals) and spicebush swallowtail (3200+ individuals);
–> finds of both Palamedes swallowtail (7/28/13 in Cape May County) and hoary-edge skipper (6/28/13 in Cumberland Co) — both reports only our second log records of those species;
–> checkered white reports from three counties: Salem, Cumberland, and Cape May;
–> harvester reports from two counties: Gloucester and Burlington;
–> bronze copper new for Cumberland County and banded hairstreak new for Salem
–> a “mini-invasion” of giant swallowtails from August into September giving us records in four different counties: GLO, BUR, CAM, and CMY;
–> the continuing presence of Leonard’s skipper (one of our area’s most troubled species) confirmed in Atlantic County;
–> a new record species count for one month: 71 species in July, the first time we have topped 70 species for a month;
–> one of our contributors, Dave Amadio, recorded 102 species for the year in NJ;
–> nearly 10,000 reports (9900+) from a single county (Cape May, of course!);
–> 12 new record early emergence dates for our log and 17 new record late dates;
–> and lots more.
Some low-lights:
–> once again we failed to record any Leonard’s skippers at their former colony on the Manumuskin River;
–> we had only two reports of Georgia satyr, another species that seems troubled in our area;
–> we missed two-spotted skipper for the first time in our log’s six-year history;
–> monarch numbers were very low throughout most of the year (as they were throughout the northeastern US, it seems);
–> several other species were found in lower than usual numbers.
See the two spreadsheets below for more details (and click the plus sign for easier viewing):
Early Late Each Species 2008-2013
I hope everyone listed below — and many others not yet listed/newcomers to our log — will help us continue to track the lives of the butterflies of South Jersey.
Keep at it, everyone! Have a healthy & adventure-filled 2014.
Contributors in 2013:
Amy Gaberlein
Barb Wiley
Barbara Golla
Beth Polvino
Bill Keim
Bill Schuhl
Brian Johnson
Bridget O’Connor
Catherine Busch
Chase Cammarota
Chip Krilowicz
Chris & Gerry Dewaghe
Chris Clemenson
Chris Hajduk
Chris Herz
Chris Marks
Chris Tonkinson
Chris Vogel
Chris Williams
Clay Sutton
Cynthia Allen
Dale Schweitzer
Dave Amadio
David Wright
Deb Dowdell
Deb Lux
Derek Stoner
Donna Quinn
Gabe Johnson
Gail Dwyer
Gibson Reynolds
Glen Davis
Hope Jenkins
J. Trainer
Jack Connor
Jack Miller
Jackie Parker
Jamie Cromartie
Jane Galetto
Janet Crawford
Jean Gutsmuth
Jenny McCann
Jesse Amesbury
Jesse Connor
Jim Dowdell
Jim Springer
Jim Trainer
Jon Gelhaus
Josh Nemeth
Karen Johnson
Kathy Flynn
Keith Parker
Kristen Meistrell
Lisa Ryan
Louise Zemaitis
Marilyn Henry
Marilyn Patterson
Mark Garland
Matt Webster
Megan Crewe
Megane Smith
Michael O’Brien
Michelle Rhinesmith
Mike Bisignano
Mike Crewe
Mike Hannisian
Mike Russell
Mildred Morgan
Pat Amadio
Pat Sutton
Patti Likens
Paula Williams
Pete & Linda Dunne
Peter Bosak
Peter Kenney
Rhea Doherty
Rick Bacher
Roger Horn
Ruth Cranmer
Sam Galick
Sandra Keller
Shawn Wainwright
Stephen Mason
Steve Zeigler
Steven Glynn
Sylvia Armstrong
Teresa Knipper
Tom Bailey
Tom Reed
Tony Klock
Vince Elia
Will Kerling