Yes, the blog is live again, having migrated from our old url to this one.

Dusted skipper, photo’d by Brian Johnson on Rt 555 powerline in Cumberland County on 5-12-13.

Juniper hairstreak, photo’d by Will Kerling at Lizard Tail Swamp, Cape May Co, on 5-2-13
Between January 1 and May 31, we compiled 1900+ reports of 57 species and 5900+ individuals. (At least three species have been added so far in June.)
As of May 31, fifty-four contributors have joined in our 2013 effort:
Allysa Della Fave
Amy Gaberlien
Beth Polvino
Bill Bouton
Bill Keim
Bill Schul
Brian Johnson
Bridget O’Connor
Chase Cammorata
Chip Krilowicz
Chris Herz
Chris Marks
Chris Tonkinson
Chris Vogel
Chris Williams
Clay Sutton
Cynthia Allen
Dave Amadio
Deb Dowdell
Eric Reuter
Gabe Johnson
Gibson Reynolds
Jim Dowdell
Jesse Connor
Jack Connor
Jackie Parker
Jean Gutsmuth
Jim Springer
Joh Gelhaus
Kathy Malone
Kristen Meistrel
Lisa Ryan
Matt Webster
Mike Bisignano
Mike Crewe
Mike Hannisian
Mike Russell
Michael O’Brien
Michelle Rhinesmith
Pat Amadio
Pat Sutton
Peter Bosak
Paula Williams
Rhea Dougherty
Roger Horn
Sam Galick
Sandra Keller
Shawn Wainwright
Sylvia Armstrong
Steve Glynn
Stephen Mason
Theresa Knipper
Tom Reed
Will Kerling
Thanks to each of you for participating.
Thanks also to everyone for your patience waiting for the transfer of the blog to this new server.
For a brief pdf spreadsheet listing all FOYs for this year (up to June 2, 2013) with a comparison listing of all FOYs for the 101 species we have found, 2009-2012, go here:
First of year reports for 2013, up to June 2, and FOYs for all species, 2009-2012
For a spreadsheet in pdf format of all 1900+ 2013 reports Jan 1 to May 31, 2013, go here. Green = first of year report; yellow = first of month report. Click the plus sign for easier viewing:
Other compilations and a look back at 2012 will be added soon.
Keep those reports coming, everyone!