November In-Progress & Finally

Can we still call it a summer azure? Photo by Will Kerling on 11-11-12 at Cape May Point.

I’ve updated the original November 12 post below by adding the final compilation for the month and the list of November’s contributors.


Yesterday’s warm weather brought out the butterflyers and the butterflies. We had seventeen different observers out and about (and reporting) and we found sixteen species in a single November day.

At the moment we have recorded eighteen species for the month:

black swallowtail (caterpillars only)
cabbage white
clouded sulphur
orange sulphur
cloudless sulphur
eastern tailed blue
summer azure
pearl crescent
question mark
eastern comma
mourning cloak
American lady
painted lady
red admiral
common buckeye
fiery skipper

The two species seen earlier in the month but not reported yesterday are eastern comma (reported on 11-10-12) and fiery skipper (seen this month only on 11-1-12).

Last fall we recorded nineteen species for the month. Two falls ago, 2010, we had our best November in our five years of logging, recording twenty-three species. Three species found in both those Novembers and not yet recorded this month are American snout, variegated fritillary, and common checkered skipper. Has the storm limited our chances of finding any of those three this year? The last snout this year (so far) was seen on 10-26; the last sightings of fritillary and checkered skipper were both on 10-21.

Good luck out there, everyone!


Update 11-12-12: Chip Krilowicz has found our 19th species for the month. Thank you, Chip!

Variegated fritillary 11-12-12 at Pennington Farm. Photo by Chip Krilowicz.

Final November Update and Compilation:

Chip’s variegated was the last new species added for the month of November and we ended with nineteen for the month.

Here’s the compilation for all records for the month. Hit the plus sign for easier viewing:

November 2012 Spreadsheet PDF

Thanks to each of who contributed your observations in November, 2012:

Beth Polvino
Bill Schul
Brian Johnson
Bridget and Patrick O’Connor
Catherine Busch
Chip Krilowicz
Chris Hajauk
Chris Herz
Chris Tonkinson
Chris & Paula Williams
Clay Sutton
Cynthia Allen
Dave Amadio
Edie Schul
Gabe Johnson
Gibson Reynolds
Glen Davis
Jack Connor
Jackie Parker
Jean Gutsmuth
Jim Dowdell
Karl Lukens
Kathy Horn
Mike Crewe
Pat Amadio
Pat Sutton
Patti Domm
Pete Dunn
Peter Bosak
Richard Crossley
Roger Horn
Sam Galick
Sandra Keller
Shawn & Jessica Wainwright
Tiffany Kersten
Tom Reed
Vince Elia
Will Kerling

Let me know if I overlooked anyone.

Have a refreshing winter break, South Jersey butterflyers, and see you right back here come next spring — or maybe come another “winter” like 2012’s, when butterflies flew in every month.

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