

As a Hospitality & Tourism Management major, I decided to take “Introduction to Hospitality” my freshman year. I wanted to get a head start to furthering my education in the field I’m interested in. On October 3rd, we had a chance to visit Stockton’s Seaview Hotel and Golf Club.

Instead of going to class on campus, we all met in the lobby of Seaview. I was the first one there so I was a little nervous that I had the wrong date or time. However, one of my fellow classmates, who lives at Seaview, came down and we waited for the rest of the class together. Once the whole class had arrived, Mike Tidwell, Director of Sales and Marketing, began our tour of the hotel. We were shown the dinning hall and the many event rooms Seaview has to offer their guests and customers. The whole place was beautiful and in top shape. It was the first time since I was a child in Seaview.

Mike answered many questions about the business. He stressed the importance of data, and gave us an example of the type of budgeting he does every year. We didn’t get to see as much of the hotel as I would’ve liked to, but I learned a lot from Mike talking to us. The trip excited me more about getting into the business. I’m ready to pay my dues and work my way up the hospitality ladder.

Day of Service Sept. 2013

On Saturday September 7th, Stockton held it’s 10th annual Day of Service. Being a freshman, this was my first time participating in this event. When I first got the email for the Day of Service, I pre-registered right away. I knew it was something I really wanted to be a part of.

Day of Service is sponsored by the Office of Student Development. This year the event would take place in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Besides all the glitz and glamour of the casinos, I knew there was a side of AC that needed help from whoever would give it.

The night before Day of Service, I set my alarm for 6:30am since I commute to school. I wanted to get to school early so I didn’t have to wait in line for long. When I got to school, there was already a crowd. I was in the last group since my last name starts with a “W”. After waiting for about a half hour, I was finally able to sign in. The event leaders provided us breakfast and gave us shirts to wear for the day. So after eating breakfast and throwing on my new shirt over my tank top, I made my way up to the event room. Inside, there were many tables with different club/organization names on them. I browsed around at the different activities but eventually settled with Circle K.

We were taken to the Atlantic City Police Athletic League. We set up shop in one of the event rooms. There was a station making PB&J sandwiches for the homeless, one making dog toys for the Humane Society, and another making cards for terminally ill children. I spent my day sewing blankets for Project Linus. In short, Project Linus makes blankets (Like the one Linus has in the Preanuts) and gives them to ill children. I already knew how to sew, so I figured this would be the best activity for me.

I consider myself socially awkward so I didn’t expect to really talk to anyone or to make any friends. However, I was suprised how welcoming upperclassmen were. They helped me feel comfortable and I had a great time. I made new friends and helped out a great cause. When it came time for us to leave, we found out our bus had broken down on its way to pick us up. So after waiting another twenty minutes or so, we got another bus to take us back to the campus. Overall, I had a great time participating in the Day of Service and I’d definitely do it again.

Eastern State Penitentiary

On November 2, the Honors Program hosted a trip to Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia for the Freshman class. I was lucky enough to get off work and be able to go. I’ve always want to tour the prison and I was excited to go on this trip. We left Stockton just after 10am and it was a short bus ride to Philly. I remember looking out the window as we pulled up and saw Dr. Rosner and G.T. waving to us.SONY DSC

Once off the bus, we split up into two groups and were given a tour guide who knew a lot about the prison history. I brought my camera with me so I was able to get a lot of awesome pictures. We were able to see prison cells, the ball field, artist instillations, and much more. I walked into some of the cells and they had a really eerie feeling to them. After we finished our guided tour, our guide pointed us in the direction of Al Capone’s cell. His cell was nicely furnished with a bed, armchair, radio and lamp. He was living in luxury even in prison.

Many of the other students wanted to leave and explore the streets of Philly,but a friend of mine and I really wanted to see more of the prison. We walked down wings that weren’t on the tour and took our time just enjoying the building and its history. I’ll admit, I was hoping to at least see a ghost or catch something on my camera. (I unfortunately didn’t) Of course, we ended our tour in the gift shop. I bought an Al Capone shirt for myself.SONY DSC

After we left the prison, we met up with our other friends at a bookstore across the street called “Bookhaven.” GT had recommended it to us so we had to check it out. That place was amazing. It was a giant used bookstore and had anything you could ever ask for. We spent a good deal of our time in that store until we realized we were all hungry. So we left the store, new books in hand, and found a pizza/sandwich shop down a few blocks. It was busy but we got our food fairly quickly. Then some of us got ice cream from a shop next door to where we ate lunch. It was so good.

We then went back to the bookstore for the rest of our time and when it got close to 4, we walked back to the front of the prison. After a group picture, we filed back onto the bus and returned to Stockton in no time. I had such a great time learning the history of the prison and being able to hang out with friends. I’m a commuter so I sometimes feel disconnected to the school. The Honors Program helps me feel a part of something and has given me the greatest friends. It’s only my first semester here but I can’t wait to see what else is inshore for me here at Stockton.