

As a Hospitality & Tourism Management major, I decided to take “Introduction to Hospitality” my freshman year. I wanted to get a head start to furthering my education in the field I’m interested in. On October 3rd, we had a chance to visit Stockton’s Seaview Hotel and Golf Club.

Instead of going to class on campus, we all met in the lobby of Seaview. I was the first one there so I was a little nervous that I had the wrong date or time. However, one of my fellow classmates, who lives at Seaview, came down and we waited for the rest of the class together. Once the whole class had arrived, Mike Tidwell, Director of Sales and Marketing, began our tour of the hotel. We were shown the dinning hall and the many event rooms Seaview has to offer their guests and customers. The whole place was beautiful and in top shape. It was the first time since I was a child in Seaview.

Mike answered many questions about the business. He stressed the importance of data, and gave us an example of the type of budgeting he does every year. We didn’t get to see as much of the hotel as I would’ve liked to, but I learned a lot from Mike talking to us. The trip excited me more about getting into the business. I’m ready to pay my dues and work my way up the hospitality ladder.