Democracy Cafe – Post Election Results

On Thursday, November 10, 2016, Stockton’s Democracy Cafe hosted a Post-Election election result forum and discussion. The event was open to any and all community events interested, including students, faculty, and members from around the local Galloway community. The panel was hosted by Professor Claire Abernathy of the political science department, who was both the main speaker and the moderator. The event also featured a collection of faculty members who specialized as advisors regarding economic, international affairs, and homeland security experts.

The panel opened with Professor Abernathy discussing the electoral college results, and how the voting came down to key matchups in Pennsylvania and Arizona. She then discussed the election results in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, followed by a discussion about how key voting demographics affected the results. Discussion focused on how not only the percents mattered, but also the voter turnout.

After the discussion on the voting results, Professor Abernathy turned to the audience with a variety of questions for them to answer. Students answered the questions, with a variety of different answers from the students in attendance. Finally, the panel ended with the opportunity for students to voice their opinions to the group. One student in particular gave a rather moving speech about his heritage as a son of Latino immigrants, and how this year’s election proved both disheartening and frightening to him.

As the panel concluded, Professor Abernathy handed out a civic service test for students to take home, and encouraged students to be the change they wanted to see in the world.

Funny Farm Rescue

On October 25th, I visited the Funny Farm Rescue in Mays Landing with Stockton’s Animal Friendly Organization. The farm did live up to its name because the first thing I saw as we drove in, was huge flocks of birds in the middle of the road. Most of the animals were not gated, as far as I could tell from looking at the farm from my backseat window. I saw two dogs running and fetching bones and a young calf taking a nap on the side of a barn. I thought: What did I get myself into? I was awestruck by the setup of the farm- I have never experienced anything like this. Once we parked or tried to park, despite the birds pecking at the gravel in the parking area, we walked onto what seemed like a chaos. However, as we got to touch all of the animals and get a feel for the environment, we soon realized that it was only an organized mess. For example, while the birds do walk around the entire farm, they walk in an organized flock fashion. This same concept could be extended to the rest of the animals in the farm including the horses, cats, dogs, pigs, and cows.

This farm is not open to the public very often so I was fortunate enough to see all the rescued animals, feed them, and learn about their stories. My friends and I asked one of the workers for a tour around the farm. The worker told us the names and rescue stories of every animal on the farm (there had to have been over 50 rescue animals at the time). One story that really stood out to me was about one of their adopted rescue dogs. Veterinarians predicted this dog to live for only a few months because of a rare condition in his esophagus that makes him throw up all of his food. After hours of research, the owners were able to sustain his life by training him to eat blended dog food in a crate sitting upright. Looking at the dog eat and play during my visit was truly inspiring. It made me feel good knowing that I was baking and fundraising for a worthy cause that honestly cares about disadvantaged animals. I look forward to returning to Funny Farm Rescue again in the near future!

Run, Run Rudolph

On November 19, 2016, the Stockton Honors Program sponsored the first annual Run, Run Rudolph 5k race. Kate Volpe, service director of the Honors Program, spearheaded the event and encouraged Stockton students to become involved, whether it be running in the race or volunteering to work behind the scenes. Students of all levels came out to fundraise for the worthy cause and get into the Christmas spirit; all proceeds from the event were going to be used to purchase Christmas gifts for families in need around the local community. Following the race, there was a session for all the volunteers to discuss the positive and negative aspects of the day as well as provide input on how the event could be run more smoothly in the future.

My friends and I volunteered to help with Run, Run Rudolph, including set up at seven o’clock in the morning. Although I slept through my alarm, I was able to make it to the event prior to registration to set up the remaining water stations and make posters of encouragement that would be seen throughout the course. At eight o’clock, registration began. I was assigned to hold up a sign that directed runners to the appropriate room inside the TRLC. Standing outside of the campus center in frigid temperatures was not my ideal Saturday morning, but it was rewarding to know that I was a part of such an exciting fundraising event for a worthy cause. Finally, the racers were all checked in, and the volunteers were distributed across the course around Lake Fred. Before I went back outside, I had to stop at Dunkin Donuts for a hot chocolate and a donut for an extra boost of energy to cheer on the runners as they ran by.

After everyone completed the race, runners enjoyed water and fresh fruit while listening to popular Christmas music and socializing with friends. Kate held a closing ceremony where she congratulated all the runners and thanked everyone for their help and participation throughout the day. As runners started to leave, volunteers began cleaning up for the reflection session. Everyone who took part in the session was given an index card to record the best and worst parts of the day and how improvements could be made for the next few years. Overall, people were very analytical, and it was awesome to see the commitment to making the event the best it can be. The first annual Run, Run Rudolph 5k race was a success, and I look forward to volunteering at it for years to come!

Alyssa Royce

Professor Michael Rodriguez

GEN 1033: The Life of the Mind

11 November 2016

Blog Post Number Two: Knock Out Opiates

Knock Out Opiates was an event hosted by R.I.S.E. A.B.O.V.E, a student-run organization here at Stockton that promotes healthy decision making among students. This event was both a dialogue session and a voluntary opportunity for students, specifically, because we discussed opiate use in our community while also taking action. To date, heroin accounts for ninety percent of opiate use in the United States. In terms of Stockton University and its surrounding cities and communities, heroin use is at an all time high with hundreds of arrests and overdoses each year. In addition to heroin usage, prescription drug use is also a prevalent issue within this community and within the United States as a whole. Of course, there are several ways to become addicted to prescription drugs; but, a large number of cases derive from injury or illness for which prescription drugs are issued. I, along with other R.I.S.E. A.B.O.V.E students, went to the neighboring apartment complex, where many Stockton students reside, and hung flyers that draw attention to the issue of prescription drug use and urged these individuals to talk to their doctors about the dangers of these drugs before deciding to take them. One flyer, for instance, reads “Would you give your child heroin for a broken arm?” The point here is to indicate that prescription drugs are just as addictive and just as dangerous as heroin or other opiates that we may know and may view in a negative light. I know for me, personally, when I had my four wisdom teeth removed my surgeon recommended oxycontin; yet, I made the decision to take controlled amounts of ibuprofen instead because I have educated myself about the dangers of prescription drugs, which I encourage others to do as well. I am hopeful that my volunteerism has made an impact within the Stockton community and has allowed for a more open conversation about prescription drug use.

Alyssa Royce

Professor Michael Rodriguez

The Life of The Mind

30 September 2016

Blog Event #1: Constitution Day

Constitution Day, held on September 21st, featured keynote speaker Akhil Reed Amar, Professor of Law at Yale Law. The following is an abstract and reaction of Amar’s address:

Foremost, I want to acknowledge the fact that I consider myself to be both politically active and politically aware; I closely follow the ongoing election, I am a frequent and active viewer of Fox News, I work at a polling institute where I collect data regarding local politics in my region, and I have even lobbied and held congressional briefings on Capitol Hill. I acknowledge this fact not to help lengthen my paper, but to demonstrate my political activism and to segway into where I lie on the political spectrum. If you happen to have attended the keynote address, you will have undoubtedly recognized the leftist nature of this dialogue. Though I will not explicitly state my political affiliation, I am sure it will be made evident that my views lie on the opposite end of the spectrum and that my opinions directly contradict that of Amar’s.

To begin, I would like to discuss Amar’s comparison of Barack Obama to Abraham Lincoln as this was the one claim that stood out to me the most. Simply put, President Obama is one of the worst presidents this nation has ever seen: a bold statement, perhaps, but not a false one. In terms of the United States economy,  Obama has worsened our economic condition immensely. Following previous recessions in US history, the economy has consistently strengthened and compensated for its losses, including but not limited to following the Great Depression. After what is now known as the “the Great Recession,”  America has not by any means regained our economic standing pre 2008. Rather, Obama has nearly doubled our national debt and has led to the perpetual increase of Americans living in poverty and depending on government programs for financial assistance. President Abraham Lincoln did not by any means destroy the US economy the way Obama has; Lincoln, in fact, strengthened it, for instance, through the passage of the Pacific Railway Act which supported a transcontinental railroad, a tremendous asset to the US economy.

I, of course, must also discuss the discrepancy between racial tensions in modern day and in the 1860s and how poorly Obama has handled our current condition, specifically in comparison to Lincoln. There is no denying that race is a heated topic today, specifically with the prominence and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement. To avoid hurting feelings, I will try my best to put this lightly: Americans are not being killed due to limited gun control nor are they being killed because law enforcement is a racist and trigger happy institution. Although I will not digress and discuss why I disagree with the existence of systematic racism and why I am a firm supporter of the Blue Lives Matter movement, I will say that a major contributor to racial tensions in the United States is crime. More specifically, crime is a huge issue in this country and is a major contributor to death, especially among the African American community. By way of explanation, in 2013, out of the 660,000 crimes committed, African Americans were the perpetrators 85% of the time, despite accounting for roughly 13% of the population. I must pose the question: what has President Obama done to combat this? Obama adamantly opposes the War on Drugs despite the fact that drug use and distribution is a major contributor to crime and that even his home city, Chicago, is notoriously the murder capital of the nation. Obama has made little to no effort to support African Americans and to relieve them of crime and its consequences. Comparatively, it goes without saying that Lincoln made great efforts to support and even free African Americans. Lincoln is, of course, known as the Great Emancipator, after he signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Hopefully it goes without saying at this point, but Obama is by no means comparable to Abraham Lincoln.

Moreover, I find it appalling and, in a way, unethical that Stockton would pay someone to essentially endorse a presidential candidate in front of a room filled with naive and fickle college students. On several occasions, Amar commented on Donald Trump’s attitudes, opinions, and beliefs and inexplicably prompted the audience the vote for Hillary Clinton. Presumably at this point my partisanship has become evident and it is clear that I would disagree with his supporting Clinton.

There were many arguments which Akhil Reed Amar made during his address that I strongly disagree with, yet those mentioned above are just a few that greatly peaked my interest. Overall, I was thoroughly angered by this presentation and I undeniably felt misled by its title: Constitution Day. The content of this presentation had very little to do with the Constitution, but moreso illustrated Amar’s personal political affiliation and why we should vote democratic this November, which I can assure you will not be doing nonetheless.     


Orchestra Concert

Lily Davis

Blog Post 3

Bay Atlantic Symphony Concert

On Friday, November 11, 2016 I went to go see the Bay-Atlantic Symphony’s “Veterans Day Salute” concert.  Originally, I went to the concert because I was required to for a class I was taking, but I ended up really enjoying it.  The concert was in the Performing Arts Center, and there were so many people there, they filled up practically all of the seats.  The Bay Atlantic Symphony, which is an orchestra that  anyone in South Jersey can join, comprises of violins, violas, cellos, bass, flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, french horns, trumpets, trombones, tuba, percussion, and the harp.

At this specific concert, the orchestra played a selection of songs that all have resonating themes of American spirit.  These songs include “Armed Forces: the Pride of America,” “1812 Overture,” and many selection of pieces  from Leroy  Anderson.  During the “Armed Forces: the Pride of America” piece, the orchestra would play each branch of the military’s song, and the people who served in that branch would stand up. It was such an amazing experience, to see just how many people have served in the military.  It was also very emotional, because there were just so many people who have sacrificed so much for our country.  

Personally, this was my second Bay-Atlantic Symphony concert that  I have gone to this year.  The first one was a very formal concert, which I enjoyed a great deal.  But this concert I appreciated so much more because it was such an emotional experience.  At the end of this concert, the orchestra played a surprise song.  It was the National Anthem.  Just after the first few notes, the entire Performing Arts Center was on its feet, singing along.  It was truly such a beautiful and emotional experience.  

Run Rudolph Run


On November 17th I tabled for the Run Rudolph Run event hosted by the Stockton Honors Board. This event consisted of a five kilometer run for those daring enough to accept this fairly difficult but manageable run. The entry fee for this event was $20 per participant and encouraged racers to dress in seasonal apparel such as antler hats and elf hats. For those who don’t have seasonal apparel on hand they would be sold at the event as well.  This whole event took place at Stockton University on our very own scenic pineland trails, the perfect location for any event! All proceed from this event went towards less fortunate local families who don’t have the money to buy their children presents for the holiday season.

This run was not only a fun way to get out and be active with friends, but also a great way to help our local community as well. At the reasonable cost of only $20 people could enjoy a fun afternoon in good company at the most picturesque part of a great campus. For those who could not partake in the event for various reasons donations were accepted as well as every little bit helps make another individual’s holiday season brighter. While tabling for this event most of our donations came in the form of good-hearted Stockton students and faculty giving a dollar or two to a good cause. All the proceeds from this event went toward various toys and gifts that were later donated to the Stockton Police Department’s Toys for Tots program. While this is only the first year of this annual run we hope to see it gain momentum each year as volunteers such as myself help think of new ways to make this event more fun and exciting then the previous year.

Meeting President Kesselman

On November 14, about 15-20 classmates in the Honors freshman seminar joined President Harvey Kesselman and his wife for dinner at the N-Wing Cafeteria.  Since we were all uncomfortable at first, nobody said anything until President Kesselman broke the ice with a joke about how quiet we all are.  He introduced himself and made all of us introduce ourselves and give a general background about ourselves.  Although the instructions were quite clear, it was hilarious how many people couldn’t remember what to say for their background.  Everyone made fools of themselves and made this meeting much less formal than it started off as.  We had many discussion sessions relating to the recently concluded election.  He asked the general audience questions such as; why do you think Trump won, are you surprised with this outcome, and what are your feelings toward the outcome?  Thankfully everyone who shared their input stayed tranquil, especially because it is such a heated topic.  President Kesselman seemed to be very impressed with the knowledge and thoughts the students shared with him.  After we got off the topic of politics he shared with us information about the expansion and construction of Stockton University.  He compared modern day Stockton to the school that he was a part of its first year as a college.  It was outstanding how much this school has grown and how much change could occur in such a small time.  At the end of the dinner as we were wrapping up Kesselman asked the students for ideas and thoughts that he could help implement or aid the students with.  This experience was a great opportunity to get close to such important people and be introduced to a more formal scene.

Commuters on the Go: Afternoon of Service

I have been able to become a little more involved in campus activities as the semester continues and I have not been disappointed.  One event that really stood out to me was the Afternoon of Service hosted by Stockton’s Commuters On the Go club.  This club was created to help commuters become more connected to the campus and become more involved so they do not miss out on any college experiences as someone who does not live on campus.  The event was held on October 13 from 4:30 to 6 and happens annually.

 I first went to this event to fulfill one of my honors program requirements and was really surprised at how much fun it was.  In the Board of Trustees room in the main campus center, there were three tables set up with different things to do.  The table that I sat at was set up with patterned cloths and stuffed animal stuffing.  At that table, our task was to make teddy bears that will be given to cancer patients at the hospital.  A different table had colored paper and markers to make cards for homeless people.  The last table was set up to make heart shaped baskets for people living in nursing homes.  

At the end of the event, we also had a reflection session.  This is where the impact really kicked in.  Zeal Kamdar, the student that was running the event explained to us who these crafts were for and she was able to connect them all with one single aspect.  She explained to us that all of these people were connected because their misfortunes were not chosen by them.  It is easy to understand why cancer patients were not able to choose their misfortune, but most people will assume and not realize that homeless people and people living in nursing homes did not choose that living arrangement.  The majority of homeless people are homeless because they are unable to earn enough money to buy a house.  Even when they do have a job, a home is too much money for them to buy.  They were not able to have a choice between living in a home and being homeless.  People in nursing homes are usually admitted by their family, regardless of if they want to be or not.  Although being put in a home against their wishes is unfortunate, that is not where their misfortune lies.  A lot of nursing homes mistreat their residents, resulting in the residents being physically abused, not having their needs met, and having their well being ignored.  This is very important because not many people know how dangerous nursing homes can be to their loved ones.  

Overall, I had an amazing time at this event and was very surprised at the information I learned.  I will definitely think back to what I have learned the next time I walk past a homeless person or a nursing home.