Written and Experienced by, Yours Truly, Horace Leung.
Eight dollars for a day at the Mutter Museum? Hmmm… I must say, it was an eight dollars well spent. Whether or not you have seventeen different things to do, like projects, exams, quizzes or anything else, this was a pretty amazing field trip to a place not so ordinary (I would have used a better word to describe the Mutter Museum, but it was just too difficult. You will understand when you go visit.). For those who didn’t go, you probably didn’t see the variations in skull structures in the different provinces of Italy, or the outrageous skin deformities and diseases that were represented and preserved at the Mutter Museum, but it’s fine. There’s always next year.
This one hour trip to the Mutter Museum, in the hustle and bustle city of Philadelphia, was a great escape from the beautiful pinelands surrounding Stockton where we were able to walk around the city, learn more about El Dia de Los Muertos, or be blown away by the various exhibits at the Mutter Museum. There were just so many options. As for the Mutter Museum, there were many skulls of humans and other species, chucks of skin with various diseases on them, developing fetuses, tumors, and objects extracted from people’s throats and stomachs. Because there this field trip was held at this time of the year, we were able to learn more aobut the cultural event called “The Day of the Dead” where there were activities to decorate skull cookies, and make tissue paper flowers, or just enjoy a nice cup of rich hot chocolate from the crazy weather (snow in October! I guess Fall dressed up as Winter for Halloween). If you are into these types of things, there were so many other “interesting” (still in lack of a better word) types of displays like Chinese Siamese twins who married two sisters and had 21 children, and the various instruments used during the origin of medical practice.
All in all, there was never a dull moment during this field trip and I definitely recommend this to anyone who is interested to go next year if you want to see something extremely out of the ordinary.