Blog 6: Osprey Ball

The perfect way to end homecoming week is with a dance.  On October 15th, the Osprey Ball was held to bring homecoming to a close.  The Student Senate was taking free pictures, which was a very nice gesture and an excellent way to remember the dance.  The dance offered sparkling cider in fancy glass to make us all feel fancy.  The food offered was different, tasty, and plentiful.  The dance was 70’s themed and I feared that all the music who be from the 1970’s.  Luckily, the organizers of the dance picked an excellent DJ that kept the dance modern while sticking to the 70’s theme.  He played popular modern music for us to dance to but would occasionally throw in some classic 70’s tunes that everyone knew and would sing to keep us in the 70’s theme.  The music was amazing, staying mostly upbeat and energetic with the occasional slowing down to give us a break and to get close to our dates.  The dance was a ton of fun and I am definitely going next year.