Hello! Welcome to the final blog post for GEN2018! I have learned a lot through this journey, and I am excited to be able to take the strategies and knowledge I have acquired here with me into my education career. This week, I will be exploring a couple of case studies from The Global Educator. There are a lot of amazing studies explored in this chapter from educators all over the world.
Case Study 4.2 The ‘Learning2’ Conference: Social and Global Learning
Michael Weber and John Zurfluh created what is today Learning2 because they wanted a conference to be able to discuss strategies and ideas that educators could apply in their own schools. A face to face conference held in China, Learning2 aims for their conference to be different, and wanted it to have a primary focus on ‘student-centered classrooms’. (Lindsay 2016)
Today, Learning2 has become a global conference with face to face and online options. Educators who want to be a part of the conference can apply through the website, as well as check out interesting articles, ideas, and strategies through Learning2’s Online Threads!
The first conference was held in 2007 when the internet and its power players were just at the beginning stages of what it is now. What I thought was extremely brilliant and creative of the Learning2 Conference was that in the first two years, all participants in the conference had to make a twitter account. Twitter at that time having less than a million users (Lindsay 2016). It is amazing reading this now, knowing what a powerful global force twitter is today that these creators had the foresight to start getting educators comfortable with these mediums.
By 2010, the Learning2 Conference had changed its format a little more, opting for social built conference hours, where participants created sessions on the fly, and from it created great participation and learner-centered content. In 2011, the conference was changed again, now including sessions by educators in the region, librarians, scientists, and digital storytelling as well as a host of other topics.
The Learning2 Conference changed a little more over the years as it grew. Now a global non-profit, the Learning2 Conference stands on 4 ideas:
create a conference experience that puts the participant first
understand that learning is a social act and make socializing a key part of the conference
create a conference that continues to change with the needs of participants
create a conference that is ever-changing, takes risks, and uses technologies appropriately in the learning process. (Lindsay 2016)
Learning2 continues to grow and is creating more and more goals for their conference as time goes by. what was originally a face to face conference is now held annually face to face as well as through BlackBoard Collaborative. The Learning2 conference also has goals to expand their face to face sessions to other parts of the world. Hoping that one day Learning2 will have conferences not only in Asia but Africa, Europe, Australia, and the Americas as well.
Case Study 4.1, Lucy Gray and Steve Hargadon: The Global Education Collaborative.
Check out the Global Educations Collaborative’s site HERE!
What began as a small online hub in 2007 for educators to meet and talk, grew into an annual online conference for students, teachers, and edtech related learning. Known today as the Global Education Collaborative, the conference runs for 24 hours a day, for 5 days straight. (Lindsay 2016) Technology, students, and teachers can apply to become part of the conference and host a seminar. I explored the GEC’s page and found a lot of really awesome applications like using VR in classrooms, incorporating the SDG’s, as well as strategies for Global Competence and incorporating media arts into technology. Those proposals can be found here!
The GEC also provides weekly informational meet ups online for parents and teachers to meet up, provide support, and share ideas.
Case Study 4.4 Peggy George and Wesley Fryer: The K12 Online Conference
You can check out the K12 Conference more on their website HERE!
In 2006, Peggy George created and collaborated to make a series of video presentations for K-12 Students. The K12 Online Conference runs for about 3 weeks and is run by educators on a variety of topics. Over the years, the creation of these kinds of videos has continued and has created an online archive of educational content. The K12 Conference urges educators to incorporate flat learning creatively, and interactively.
Personally, as someone who loves to be creative and be hands-on to learn and create, the K12 Conference has a lot of ideas I found really interesting about how to incorporate it into a globally collaborative classroom.
The K12 Online youtube channel has a lot of great videos that they have archived over the years, one I really enjoyed was the Creativity Strand video, check it out below!
Virtual Reality is so exciting for education. This format allows students to be transported anywhere they can imagine from the comfort of the classroom. Interactive locations, virtual field trips, and up-close learning about things that would otherwise be inaccessible, VR is something that can be incorporated into any subject across the board.
Some benefits of Virtual Reality in education are: Improving Retention Enriching Literacy Placing Learning in Context Supporting Specific Needs Increasing Engagement (Class VR 2020)
Not only can online collaborative learning be done from class to class in a communicative way, but it can also be done through VR and the multitude of educational apps becoming available. I chose to highlight two particular apps for Gear VR that I thought were interesting and useful in a classroom.
The first is Hold the World with David Attenborough. An interactive app where students walk through London’s Natural History Museum. Users are able to interact with artifacts in the museum with the legendary David Attenborough by their side to provide more detailed information on the selected object.
This app is amazing not only because it allows students to take a virtual field trip to a place they may never be able to go, but what sets this VR museum experience apart from even an in-person face to face one is the level of interaction. When you visit the London Natural History Museum in person, you get to see the artifacts in person, but everything is behind a rope or glass. With Hold The World, those artifacts that are behind the glass become tangible and interactive.
Students using this app also may be more likely to remain engaged in the activity not only because of the interaction, but the freedom a VR experience can give as well. Students are free to explore their digital worlds at their leisure and can explore their own interests in as much detail as the app allows.
With Tour Creator, students can use this tool to take virtual field trips to one of the many already existing tours or create one of their own. Students can shoot and supply their own 360 videos or use the already existing Google Maps imagery. From there, more icons can be created through the tour highlighting various things that the user encounters along the tour.
I really like the idea of using Tour Creator in a classroom setting and for possible assignments. Not only does it create a way to make learning visual by connecting the information being taught through text and lectures with real-world images, but it can also be used as a project to increase the absorption of information of a topic.
An example of a virtual connection being: learning about the French Revolution and taking a virtual tour of Paris to find historically significant streets or buildings. An example of use as a project: Students have been reading autobiographies and will create a tour of someplace significant to their subject and their life as they read about it.
I am excited to be starting to be an educator as the world and tech around VR and AR starts to take off. There are so many ways VR can be used for education, and as we improve technologically, those will only increase.
If you are interested in more awesome VR apps for education, check out this Top 10 List!
Hello everyone and welcome back! This week, I got to explore Animoto and created a super cute and fun video about my lovely horse Belle.
I chose to tell my story with Animoto because I really enjoy visual presentations and learn well from them. I like Animoto, it is a very easy to use and professional site that can help users create videos for anything they can think of! It is used for businesses, education, as well as recreational fun videos!
Animoto is a useful tool, but unfortunately, it’s not free after a 14-day free trial. There are options to purchase memberships annually that include different packages for different requirements. They have 3 packages: Personal, Professional, & Business. The 14-day trial is great for one time users, however, there will be an Animoto watermark on the videos until a package is purchased.
To begin creating a project in Animoto, you have to select a project template. The templates include different styles, colors, and transitions to make sure you get the kind of video you are looking for.
From there, users upload photos and videos they may want to include in their Animoto and get started!
After you have selected the photos and videos you would like to include, you can begin to drag and drop them into your template and arrange the slides in their correct order. Users can edit the photos, add filters, rearrange layouts, crop, zoom or rotate photos. The user-friendly format and tutorial options of Animoto are some of my favorite features. No one wants to have to do independent research on how to use a tool, and Animoto definitely sets up its users for as little confusion as possible.
Once all of the videos and photos are arranged and edited correctly, you can begin to add text captions or record your own voice over for the selected clips. The voice-over option would be beneficial for educators, as they could upload instructional photos and videos and explain to students audibly as well as visually.
After all the photos, videos, and captions have been arranged, edited, and checked over, its time to add music! Animoto has a library of thousands of songs for users to pick from as well as the ability to upload your own. The songs range in genre and tempo and are not just instrumentals. Animoto also allows you to edit down to the section of the song you would like to include in your video.
Once you have finished editing and are ready to process the Animoto, there are a bunch of options for uploading and sharing. Animoto immediately provides embed links and sharing options to multiple social media outlets. The options for sharing your video increase as you upgrade packages.
Please enjoy the Animoto I made about my horse Colorado Belle! I hope you enjoy, it was fun to make!
For this week’s blog post we explored National Geographic’s Out of Eden Walk. A journey cataloged by Paul Salopek as he takes a 21,000-mile walk along the path of the earliest humans as they migrated out of Africa and across the world.
Chapter 1:
The first stop for Paul, and for me, was Africa. I have been very lucky in my life to have been able to travel to Africa and see for myself the beauty that this continent has to offer. I was very interested and excited to explore this stop on Paul’s journey.
To begin, Paul and the NG team provided a great map explaining the timeline of human migration in the world starting 200,000 years ago. Starting in Ethiopia, Paul and his guide Ahmed begin their journey, heading north. I have always loved National Geographic and have been a subscribing member for many years now. The visuals and connections that these artists and photographers can bring to their viewers have always been astounding. They can capture a moment that is still able to be felt many thousands of miles and many weeks later.
I really enjoyed the Glances videos for the Ethiopia section of the Eden walk. The unclose visuals bring a reality to the world that is so far away. The photos and panorama viewfinder was very cool as well.
The Encounters section of the Eden walk is interesting because it gives us a chance to see people in the region and gain a small insight into the daily mind of someone in this area. While in Ethiopia, Paul interviews a man named Idoli, who is a pastoralist, or a sheep/cattle farmer. He speaks to the trouble with his career due to the bush and lack of water, and how he wishes for his children to be educated so they do not have to be a farmer like him. It was really interesting to see the belief system as well a little in the interview, Idoli speaks about humans beginning with Adam and Eve and that’s the creation story he believes.
It is unimaginable to put myself in Paul’s shoes. A seven-year journey on foot, the journey alone seems exhausting but I cannot imagine planning it. Far in advance picking out guides and pack animals, booking things for estimated dates, hoping for no delays, it definitely could not have been easy. In one section of this chapter, Paul speaks about how they ordered camels and men to help them take their belongings across a desert with minimal water and temperatures reaching 120 degrees. The camels and men never showed up, Paul and Ahmed were then forced to purchase animals off the cuff with no prep or planning. It is an amazing skill to be able to take the world in stride and not panic so far from home when things start to come undone a little.
Chapter 3: Autumn Wars
Paul gives a brief history of Anatolia, and how it has been a center point for conflict and power control for hundreds of years and from hundreds of invaders and conquerors. Only in the last 90 years have things started to become more modernized in this area of the world.
Paul is on a boat crossing the Mediterranean Sea on a cargo carrier called the MV ALIOS and heading towards Turkey. It was interesting to see the small boat quarters he had all to himself, I was shocked at how spacious it was. Paul stopped in Cyprus along the way and began his journey with Kilic and his wife Elif, who were to be his guides through Asia Minor. They pick up a 22-year-old mule to be their pack animal and walk through Turkey. I really enjoyed the section of the chapter where Paul explains a little more about Turkish/Anatolian culture. The people often seek the refuge of their rooftops after a long day. Eating, relaxing and sleeping on the rooftops is a way of life for the Anatolian people, and pays homage to their camping origins in the early Stone Age. It is amazing how tradition is born out of history in these ways.
It was interesting exploring this chapter because so much of this area is mixed between new and old. As Paul walks through Asia Minor on his way to China, he speaks to how interesting it was watching people playing cards on 1900-year-old plinths, churches, and synagogues that have been standing for half a millennium and the history that is behind some of these places.
Paul then begins to enter the area of Turkey that has been receiving many Syrian refugees as they flee the war going on in their own country. Women talk about men’s arms being cut off and women being sold into slavery at markets in Syria where the Islamic State has gained power. Paul talks a bit about the people from Syria he had met along his journey, boatmen with no home to return to, families picking vegetables for 11$ a day. It must be hard on the road to witness all of this suffering and not be able to help much. Paul speaks how some of the refugees he met along the way had absolutely nothing but still offered to let him share their tent for the night so he had a safe place to sleep. People are amazing creatures.
On his journey, Paul also documented his experiences with the police in the various areas of the globe he was walking. He recorded all of these stops as they happened, and the grand total was about 1 stop per 100 miles by some kind of Police Stop. He makes an interesting point, that today may people distrust those who walk in a world so powered by cars. Even in the small corner of America where I live, sometimes you do feel a certain skepticism of someone walking instead of driving. One of Paul’s most memorable stops was in Turkey, where he was stopped by a small Kurdish militia that nearly shot him.
One encounter in Chapter 3 I enjoyed was of two boys ages 14 and 15, it was a small interaction between them and Paul. He asks them what they want to do, one boy replies to all the questions and the other responds to none. When Paul asks why the talkative boy responds ‘He’s a thinker”.
Chapter 5: Riverlands
Now in Pakistan, Paul is continuing his journey. He encounters a Police Officer named Waqar Shah, who escorts Paul to a town where he will have to get a taxi in order to pass through a violent area of Pakistan, known to have local villages pillage travelers and steal from them.
From there Paul is walking again and find’s himself on the Grand Trunk Road, a road that has been in use for over 2,300 years. One of the oldest trade routes in Asia, it connects the Bay of Bengal on the coast, continues upward and into Afghanistan. The interesting thing about the Grand Trunk Road is that despite the government building a higher, faster, more efferent road, the Grand Trunk Road is still used constantly. Every kind of person uses the GTR. Walking the GTR however has its disadvantages, Paul speaks to the pollution and inescapable exhaust from cars as they make their way along the road.
In India, at one-stop he is in the Punjab region and is stopped by a man on the side of the road who calls to him to wait, to come inside and rest while he waits for ‘miscreants” to leave the part of the road they were blocking. Unfortunately, most of India’s drug use comes from rural areas, and Paul said he has walked past countless needles and drug vials on the road in his travels. Despite this, however, a lot of Indian people want the best for themselves and their children. Most have goals of education outside of India, and look to countries like New Zealand, Canada, Australia, but not Trump’s angry America (LOL). Many people had stopped Paul on his journey to test their English speaking skills with him, many have to pass English language tests before being accepted into any study program. It is an interesting time in the Punjab region, where many people view migration as having status, if you can get out, you are successful.
An encounter I enjoyed was in Allahabad, India – Mahindra Yadav, a 27-year-old farmer whose family had been there for multiple generations. He enjoys farming and does not wish to leave his home if he can help it. Monsoons and inclement weather sometimes require families to search for work outside of their farms for a while if the crops suffer.
As Paul and his guide continue their way through India, he speaks to the water crisis and how desperate people are for the magic resource that is water. About half of the country of India suffers from a lack of water and how resources available are estimated to be depleted in less than 2 years. Some Indian farmers told paul that their water tables have dropped between 40-100 feet in a single generation. Water is a resource, I personally believe mankind is extremely slow to realize that is depleting. It is interesting to see how different areas of the world value and view water. We can take for granted so easily here.
Paul takes a section of this chapter to talk about the human violence he witnessed along his journey. Paul has walked the edges of competing herders in Africa, been shot at by the Israeli Army, held up by Kurdish militia, and even has had run-ins with the Taliban as he crossed into Afghanistan.
Despite this, however, Paul argues that the scary/violent moments in his journey were heavily outweighed by the good ones. That even in war-torn areas of the middle east were met with kind and good people. The good actions taking up 95% of his interaction with other people on his journey. It is amazing to me that despite multiple experiences that would have most people running for home, Paul is in good spirits and insists that those were not the most interesting parts of his journey.
This brings us to the most current of Paul’s entries. He is currently in Myanmar during the COVID19 crisis. Myanmar is one of the poorer countries in the world, and although confirmed cases of the virus are low, they do not believe that is an honest representation of the effects due to lack of testing and a population of over 50 million.
So far, the worst of the virus has been concentrated in areas with higher development and air travel and has not been as bad in more rural or countries with poor socioeconomics. It is hard to shut down a system where many people live week to week, or even meal to meal.
This project is so interesting and inspiring for me. I was happy to be able to take the time and really explore all of the places Paul has been able to visit. I think this project brings these beautiful places to light, and Paul does a great job of highlighting not just the bad, but the true good nature of most people. If it can inspire even just one person to travel outside their comfort zone that is amazing.
Our blog assignment for this week is to blog about any topic we have covered so far. Due to the current world climate, and our education system turning upside down because of quarantine and social distancing, I think talking about the uses of Quizlet would be a fitting topic.
Quizlet is an online site that allows students and teachers to create their own study materials, practice tests, and quizzes all online!
Students can create their own flashcards and study guides by entering terms and their definitions into a study set creator on Quizlet. Teachers can create tests and quizzes for their students to monitor progress and accurately asses their students. Teachers also have the option within Quizlet to add more to their study materials. Teachers can create audio files, upload images and diagrams, and use custom highlight and text to really upgrade regular study materials.
Personally, I use Quizlet often to prepare myself for assignments and I find creating and taking quizzes as a prep tactic to study is very beneficial. Not only do you learn by using the flashcards and study sets, creating quizzes and writing the questions I find really helps me retain the material.
This is a Youtube video of a Quizlet Live Webinar. The video itself is quite long but the moderators really get into some more fun things that Quizlet can bring to the learning experience!
I can’t wait to use Quizlet in my classrooms in the future.
This week I would like to take the time to talk about the Danielson’s Framework for Teaching! There is a lot that goes into the Danielson Framework, but I would like to give a little more explanation of the FOUR DOMAINS.
This Framework provides a common language for educators to use across the board. It is a way to formulate lesson plans in the most effective way possible to help both teachers and students as well!
The Framework begins with four domains: Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities. The domains choose to focus on 4 areas in an educator’s world that need to be organized and prepared in order to be able to communicate any material to students effectively.
The Danielson Framework gives us some specifics in each category to look for in order to be the most prepared possible.
Planning and Preparation— Demonstrate Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Setting Instructional Outcomes Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources Designing Coherent Instruction Designing Student Assessments
Stage one of any process is the planning and prep. If a teacher is not prepared to teach the students or has a lacking understanding of what is required, this can go badly very quickly.
Classroom Environment— Creating Environment of Respect and Rapport Establishing a Culture for Learning Managing Student Behavior Organizing Physical Space
Classroom Environment is such a crucial domain, it helps teachers be able to set a tone for their classroom and begin to set limitations and expectations with their students and their class space.
Instruction — Communicating with Students Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Engaging Students in Learning Using Assessment in Instruction Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
Possibly the most important domain, Instruction gives teachers a small outline of things to use in a lesson. What I like the most about the specifics of this domain is that they included being flexible and responsive in order to instruct well. I agree with this wholeheartedly. If we as educators are not able to listen to our students and see where we may need to be more responsive to their interests when learning or be flexible in our approach, we will not reach every student. Reaching every student should be a goal for all educators.
Professional Responsibilities— Reflecting on Teaching Maintaining Accurate Records Communicating with Families Participating in Professional Community Growing and Developing Professionally Showing Professionalism
Professional Responsibilities is a domain because while reaching students and providing great education is the ultimate goal of teachers, we cannot ignore the professionalism and importance of our jobs. We are bound to help our students grow, but we are also responsible for our own growth. Continuing to make that a priority will lead to more confidence and success!
Here is another video that further explains the Danielson Framework! Additional resources I found helpful can be found HERE.
The show is based around a group of criminals with their own pasts who join up to rob the Royal Mint of Spain, in Madrid.
Led by the self christened ‘Professor’, the group is composed of 7 other characters, who each give themselves new names after famous cities. The show is spoken in European Spanish and takes place in Madrid and other parts of Spain. Mostly centered on the heist itself, the show does not highlight many specifics about the Spanish culture but does immerse the viewer in the language, energy, and the actors bring the characters and their emotions to life beautifully.
While the show itself does not highlight too much of the Spanish culture it takes place around, the show has become globally popular. The beautiful cinematography and storytelling ability of the writers brings this tale to life. La Casa de Papel is one of Netflix’s most-watched non-English language series.
There are a lot of similarities between the culture shown in this show and that of the United States in my experience. The characters used most of the same technologies, transportations, and food. The weather, though different from the US, was what I expected for Spain. The temperatures there never getting too chill (assuming this from characters not wearing heavy outerwear) and staying more in the 60F-80F degree range, which is normal for that country. The personal character development and relationships between men and women, however, was very much in line with the experiences I fell like many of us have had.
I can see why this show resonates so well with a global community. The characters want to rob the Royal Mint of Spain to get money for themselves and their future families because they do not feel that the ends of paying for an education and working a job their whole lives justify the means. The group’s goal is to only steal from the rich or the government and to not harm anyone in the process. This, I think, can deeply resonate with a lot of people across the world as we look at the socioeconomic struggles of most people in the world today and the global political tensions. Robin Hood was celebrated by the people but hated by the Lords. Taking from the rich and giving to the poor is a sentiment that I believe a lot of the people around the world watching this show can agree within today’s world.
I found more cool info about the series from the BBC here!
To start this semester when we were told that we had to commit to Twitter as part of our grades, I will admit honestly that I was not that excited. I personally do not use twitter, or most of the other forms of social media, and was not looking forward to creating another social media that has my name attached and is one more thing on the internet that gives people information about me if they want to find it. While I really enjoy the internet, I try to stay as private as possible and do not like to use social media for that reason.
During the class, however, I do understand the usefulness of twitter especially for education and the access to new materials I did not have before. There is access to lots of professionals in the field and the interactive twitter chats were very interesting.
I think social media space conversations added to how I think about learning by showing me that it does not have to be a teacher to student relationship for the knowledge to be absorbed or for learning to take place. The interaction and responses I received in our twitter chat assignment were so interesting, and when it happens in real-time, you do remember it much better than posting, logging off, and then reading comments or responses at another time.
I think the most I have learned from using twitter is by the links and articles others have shared among our class. There are some really amazing activities, lessons, and books that I could see myself using in a classroom in the future. I have learned a lot by following Caitlyn Tucker, who is an EdTech Teacher and always uploads useful articles and posts from her blog about how to incorporate tech learning in the classroom. I also really enjoyed a post that Malisa shared with the class last week that included some useful books about diversity in the classroom.
My twitter chats have been enlightening and enjoyable. The first Twitter chat I participated in, in a live setting was very fun and engaging. The responses and genuine enjoyment everyone else was having in the chat was inspiring for me to engage more. While I was definitely hesitant and a little resistant to use twitter at the beginning of the class, as more time goes by I can see the value of it for not only this class but the education field.
This week, we explored the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. The seventeen goals, created by over 178 countries at the 1992 Earth Summit, began as a way to improve human lives and the health and resources of our planet. (UN) Over the week, the course we completed showed us not only why the Global Goals were created, but ways that the UN, educators, and people around the world are trying to make it happen.
Human rights and health, environmental health and sustainable living, as well as economic growth and innovations, are all examples of some of the Global Goals. There is at least one goal that can resonate with everyone.
Our course through the Microsoft Educator Community showed many ways the Global Goals are being used in educational settings, and the various ways teachers can incorporate them into their lessons and programs inside and outside the classroom. The UN has created Project Paks, with over 30 lessons that help incorporate Global Goals, comic books relating to the Goals, as well as educational videos and community projects.
In this current political and social climate, these goals are more important than ever. People should be accepted no matter who they are, and everyone should be entitled to food, water, and education no matter what socioeconomic status they have. The United Nations is trying to make that happen.
Results of the Goals in a report in 2019 have shown that while some of the goals are working well and are more or less on track, unfortunately, some are still struggling. The full results report can be found HERE.
The Second Goal, Zero Hunger, for example, has had an increase in hungry people across the world. From 784 million in 2015 to 821 million in 2017.
But the Third Goal, Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Well Being for All at All Ages, has had a lot of success. 9.8 million under 5-year-old deaths in 2000, VS only 5.4 million deaths in 2017. That is a HUGE decrease!
The United Nations Youth Summit is an annual platform for young leaders to meet, discuss, and put into action solutions to help with the Global Goals and Climate Action. Some more information about the Youth Summit can be found HERE.
While most of the Global Goals currently have varied results, we have to be able to look at the larger picture. The much needed and right changes that the UN wants to make will take time and a lot of collaborative effort from countries and people all across the world.
Big changes start with small steps. Reducing carbon footprints and environmental impacts are some small ways the everyday person can help contribute to just a couple of the Global Goals. There is still so much more work to do! I am very happy to now have knowledge about the Global Goals and I am excited to be able to incorporate as much as I can into my future classroom!
The tool I have chosen is Padlet. It is an amazing tool that can be used anywhere and for almost any subject. The site allows students and teachers to create online pinboards, and attach multiple resources and links to them that align with the subject they are choosing to work with. Padlet is great for all types of learners as students can incorporate text, pictures, videos, and audio into the site created.
Padlet’s template formats range in types and use. Some of them are: Gallery Wall – where multiple types of links can be added pertaining to the subject. Shelf – which splits into multiple columns and has space to add info to each and compare side by side. Map – layouts which allows you to add content to a certain point on a map. Timeline – which places content in a line.
Padlet has uncountable uses in classrooms today. The templates listed above can be so useful in so many subjects and creates an interactive and visual board for students to learn from. It could be a great way to design study guides or outlines and doesn’t require students having to take copious notes to have all the information they need. With access at any time, because it is online, students are also never without the resource. As students grow up with better and better technology, not only are they are adept at picking up and learning new things but they are also very capable of incorporating what they learn into a technology. Padlet and its visually pleasing and easy format allows students to become creative and interactive while still absorbing and incorporating the lessons.
HERE is a youtube video explaining how Padlet can be used in a classroom.
And HERE is a link to check out a lesson plan created with Padlet to teach students a lesson involving the Civil War.