This week I would like to take the time to talk about the Danielson’s Framework for Teaching! There is a lot that goes into the Danielson Framework, but I would like to give a little more explanation of the FOUR DOMAINS.
This Framework provides a common language for educators to use across the board. It is a way to formulate lesson plans in the most effective way possible to help both teachers and students as well!
The Framework begins with four domains: Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities. The domains choose to focus on 4 areas in an educator’s world that need to be organized and prepared in order to be able to communicate any material to students effectively.
The Danielson Framework gives us some specifics in each category to look for in order to be the most prepared possible.
Planning and Preparation—
Demonstrate Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
Setting Instructional Outcomes
Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
Designing Coherent Instruction
Designing Student Assessments
Stage one of any process is the planning and prep. If a teacher is not prepared to teach the students or has a lacking understanding of what is required, this can go badly very quickly.
Classroom Environment—
Creating Environment of Respect and Rapport
Establishing a Culture for Learning
Managing Student Behavior
Organizing Physical Space
Classroom Environment is such a crucial domain, it helps teachers be able to set a tone for their classroom and begin to set limitations and expectations with their students and their class space.
Instruction —
Communicating with Students
Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Engaging Students in Learning
Using Assessment in Instruction
Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
Possibly the most important domain, Instruction gives teachers a small outline of things to use in a lesson. What I like the most about the specifics of this domain is that they included being flexible and responsive in order to instruct well. I agree with this wholeheartedly. If we as educators are not able to listen to our students and see where we may need to be more responsive to their interests when learning or be flexible in our approach, we will not reach every student. Reaching every student should be a goal for all educators.
Professional Responsibilities—
Reflecting on Teaching
Maintaining Accurate Records
Communicating with Families
Participating in Professional Community
Growing and Developing Professionally
Showing Professionalism
Professional Responsibilities is a domain because while reaching students and providing great education is the ultimate goal of teachers, we cannot ignore the professionalism and importance of our jobs. We are bound to help our students grow, but we are also responsible for our own growth. Continuing to make that a priority will lead to more confidence and success!
Here is another video that further explains the Danielson Framework! Additional resources I found helpful can be found HERE.