The tool I have chosen is Padlet. It is an amazing tool that can be used anywhere and for almost any subject. The site allows students and teachers to create online pinboards, and attach multiple resources and links to them that align with the subject they are choosing to work with.
Padlet is great for all types of learners as students can incorporate text, pictures, videos, and audio into the site created.
Padlet’s template formats range in types and use. Some of them are:
Gallery Wall – where multiple types of links can be added pertaining to the subject.
Shelf – which splits into multiple columns and has space to add info to each and compare side by side.
Map – layouts which allows you to add content to a certain point on a map.
Timeline – which places content in a line.

Padlet has uncountable uses in classrooms today. The templates listed above can be so useful in so many subjects and creates an interactive and visual board for students to learn from. It could be a great way to design study guides or outlines and doesn’t require students having to take copious notes to have all the information they need. With access at any time, because it is online, students are also never without the resource.
As students grow up with better and better technology, not only are they are adept at picking up and learning new things but they are also very capable of incorporating what they learn into a technology. Padlet and its visually pleasing and easy format allows students to become creative and interactive while still absorbing and incorporating the lessons.
HERE is a youtube video explaining how Padlet can be used in a classroom.
And HERE is a link to check out a lesson plan created with Padlet to teach students a lesson involving the Civil War.