Eastern pine elfin at Lizard Tail on April 28, photo’d by Mike Hannisian.
Several observer/photographers on our team had some good luck in the last couple of days of April. And we also have a photo illustrating how Henry’s and frosted elfins can require careful looks.
Juvenal’s duskywing photo’d by Mike Hannisian at Lizard Tail on April 28.
Wild indigo duskywings at Palmyra Cove Park, photo’d by Gibson Reynolds on April 28.
Falcate orange-tip in flight, photo’d by Mike Hannisian at Lizard Tail on April 28.
Falcate orange-tip at rest at Lizard Tail on April 29, photo’d by Jack Miller.
A Henry’s elfin photo’d by Jack Miller at Lizard Tail on April 29.
And what about this one?
Henry’s or frosted? Comments and analysis are welcome! Photo by Mike Hannisian at Lizard Tail on April 28.
If you are willing to share your photos of South Jersey butterflies, send them to nacotejackATgmailDOTcom. (Please log the data in first.)
Thank you!
I believe the ID challenge is a Frosted. In our area, it is likely that the Henry’s have a straighter white forewing band , and a flat white-to-dark mark near the hindwing costal margin. Both of these marks are less even on the Frosted.
The dark spot near the HW margin is the give away here