April pix…so far

A mated pair of falcate orange tips, also our first report of the species, photo'd by Chip Krilowicz at Winslow WMA on 4-16-15.

A mated pair of falcate orange tips, our first report of the species, photo’d by Chip Krilowicz, Winslow WMA, 4-16-15.

April has a few days to run, but here are some interesting photos from the month through our last April weekend.

Our first brown elfin for the year, found and photo'd by Chip Krilowicz at Warren Grove on 4-15-15.

Our first brown elfin for the year, found and photo’d by Chip Krilowicz at Warren Grove on 4-15-15.

Hoary elfin, one of three photo'd by Jim Springer on 4-18-15 near Lakehurst

Hoary elfin, one of three photo’d by Jim Springer on 4-18-15 near Lakehurst

An intriguing and unusual gathering of azures photo'd by Jack Miller on 4-22-15 at McNamara WMA.

An intriguing and unusual gathering of azures photo’d by Jack Miller on 4-22-15 at McNamara WMA.

Our first reported wild indigo duskywing, photo'd by Jack Miller at McNamara WMA on 4-24-15.

Our first wild indigo duskywing, photo’d by Jack Miller along Estell Manor Road in Cumberland County on 4-24-15.

Falcate orange-tip photo'd by Dave Amadio on 4-19-15 at Riverwinds Scenic Trail.

Falcate orange-tip photo’d by Dave Amadio on 4-19-15 at Riverwinds Scenic Trail.

A male eastern tailed-blue photo'd by Pat Sutton on 4-24-15 on the Songbird Trail at Cape May NWR.

A male eastern tailed-blue photo’d by Pat Sutton on 4-24-15 on the Songbird Trail at Cape May NWR.

And let's throw in this lovely photo from last month -- a Henry's elfin photo'd by Harvey Tomlinson on March 31.

And let’s throw in this lovely photo from last month — a Henry’s elfin at Cox Hall Creek by Harvey Tomlinson on March 31.

Thanks to the photographers here for passing along these shots. Keep exploring, posting your data, and (if you are a photographer) capturing your finds in pixels.

I am always looking for photos of the butterfly records you have posted — if you are willing to share, send them to nacotejackATgmailDOTcom.

Thank you,

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