Grateful to Have Discovered PLN

Posted by mosert on February 26, 2019 in Uncategorized |

I have been taking the class “Web Tools for Global Learning” now for about a month and a half (we are in week 6 by the professor’s notes). One of the first things that the professor had us do was to create a professional Twitter account and start to build our professional learning network (PLN). Since doing so, I have only become more excited about relearning, improving and one day teaching the language that I grew up around. I was telling my husband just the other day that when I went into this program I knew I wanted to teach and, because of my background, French seemed like an easy path. However, it has not been the easy path that I expected; I am really struggling to learn the grammar, my vocabulary is not very high yet and it has been much harder then I thought.  However, through all that I have learned through developing my PLN, the choice to teach French has morphed from “I could do this” to “I need to do this”

I have been learning the connection that teaching a language can make our global community a better and more understanding place. It can teach students empathy for English language learners (ELL) in their own country as well as give them a desire to travel and see the world. It really ties to my desire to make my future classroom an open and safe space for students that need one. It has been such an amazing learning experience for me; one I don’t think I would have been able to get in a traditional classroom setting.

Due to the class, I have learned different methods of adding tech to any class and thoroughly enjoyed a Twitter chat dedicated to the use of technology in the classrooms.  One of my favorite discoveries from that experience was the virtual reality cube and the augmented reality app Mondly.  I have also learned about the benefits of flexible seating in the classroom and how to apply one in a high school setting.

Overall, I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to explore these things through this class, and I have enjoyed the advice and feedback I have gotten so far. I look forward to many more opportunities as I finish my degree. Any advice is always appreciated!  Leave me a comment here or feel free to follow me on Twitter @AllieM41296798

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