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Remind ; A Must Have App for Educators

Remind is a phone application and website (remind.com) that is a useful tool for all teachers and their students. This widget is a communication tool that allows for safe interactions between teachers and students both inside and outside of the classroom. This link provides 25+ ways that Remind can be used in the classroom. Some notable uses for remind are homework reminders, schedule changes, permission slips and extra credit opportunities.

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Back in high school, my soccer coach used the remind app to update the team on practice/game times, inclement weather and to congratulate us after a job well done. He would simply send out one message and it would deliver to anyone in the group. High school coaches all over the country may find this tool extremely useful.

In this youtube video a teacher explains how to use Remind and why it is useful in her class. Additionally, a lesson plan involving Remind can be found here in week 2 of this class schedule.

Overall, Remind is a tool that is extremely useful for teacher-student communication. I believe that Remind is best used for out of class announcements to grab students attention and make sure that they are on the same page with the teacher at all times. Remind claims to be “the end of unread emails and handouts.” Teachers can “see who is reading the messages and who is missing out.” This is a safe alternative to text messaging students and an essential tool for all educators to have.


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