Assignment for Second Essay

Sorry for holding this so long, but here is the gist of what I want you to write on for The Tain.

I would like you to write a ten page essay discussing the second rank characters in The Tain. Thus you should not write about Medb, Aillil, Fergus, or Cu Chulaind. Everyone else, even Conchobur, is available to write about. Choose your characters carefully. Write about how they forward the plotting of the story (understanding that as Irish storytelling, the plotting is slightly odd). In brief, what do the second rank characters add to the story? How? Why were they included? I know you are going out on a limb with some of your analysis. Please feel free to do so. Use the notes from Cattle Lords to clarify and support your analysis where possible, but you don’t have to mention those notes much.

Due: October 13th, as listed on the syllabus.